CHAPTER 144 TO 154

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Chapter 144: Denial (2)

Mo Yi raised his eyes and stared at Zheng Xuan, You mistook people again and again. Now you even have no idea who is the real one. Arent you feeling sad?

Zheng Xuans face turned ghastly pale. And he then said hesitantly, Sorry, sorry to have disturbed you

Watching Zheng Xuan run away, Mo Yi showed kind of sardonic smile, with kind of sour feeling surging in his heart.

So funny! He had been trying to look for that person so hard. But when that person really stood before him, he even had no courage to confirm it.

Wang Xiangyang saw that Zheng Xuan had left, he immediately walked to Mo Yi. The next second, he heard Mo Yi spit out a word with a freezing cold tone, Idiot!

Wang Xiangyangs eyes flickered. He couldnt tell whether Mo Yi was swearing him or Zheng Xuan.

Mo Yi then looked over to Wang Xiangyang, Teacher, anything else?

Wang Xiangyang shook his head and said, No. Wang Xiangyang asked tentatively, Mo Yi! Did you and Zheng Xuan know each other a long time ago?

Mo Yi glanced at Wang Xiangyang. Teacher, are you interested in your students personal affairs?

Wang Xiangyang shook his head. How is that possible? I am just a bit curious.

Mo Yi sighed and then said, Sorry, teacher. I dont have a bobby to share my personal life with others.

Wang Xiangyang,

After seeing that Wang Xiangyan finally left, Yan Chen who was peeing at them immediately came out and trotted toward Mo Yi, Yiyi, is Zheng Xuan here to make you trouble?

Mo Yi nodded and said, Yes!

Everybody says hes been acting crazy lately. Hed fight anyone he meets. You should stay away from him. Or youd also get beaten. Said Yan Chen.

Mo Yi nodded while saying, Thats what I am thinking.

Yan Chen pulled out a newspaper from the pockect and said, The ranking of the Top 100 Championship is out. Prince Yu tops the chart. Prince Feng runs the second place. Su Rong ranks ninth. So three of top ten are from our college, and two of top three. Those teachers should be overjoyed!

Mo Yi nodded and said, Thats great!

With Zheng Xuans capabilities, he could have entered top three. But he went to catch fish in the finals. But even so, he is still one place ahead of you. How I wish he could have performed a bit worse. Then you would be top ten. You know, the reward is quite different. Said Yan Chen.

Mo Yi showed kind of gloominess in his eyes, I know. He was born to beat me.

In the lab

While handling those star herbs, Mo Fei kept peeping outside the door.

Noticing Mo Fei a bit absent-minded, Wu Gouyue was a little mad. But seeing that he made no mistake even if he was so absent-minded, she got even madder.

What are you looking at, Mo Fei? Checking if your Prince Yu comes to see you? said Wu Gouyue smilingly.

Mo Fei forced a smile, Who wants to see him? Its just that Yiyi still hasnt come back. You know, he has been out for very long.

Wu Gouyue shrugged her shoulders, Wang Xiangyang called him to his office. Wang Xiangyang is famous for being a chatterbox. Yiyi wouldnt come back within an hour. Dont you know? Wang Xiangyang has ever bothered one of his colleagues to mental block. So no one wants to share the same office with him.

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