Friday, September 7, 2007

Start from the beginning

I grab my stuff and walk to the exit. "What are you doing here so late? ". On the way to the exit I meet my mother. "I'm waiting for Melissa". She gets a smile on her face. " Already the caring woman ". I give my mother a little shoulder nudge. "Mom...". She starts laughing louder. " What? Am I wrong? ". I sigh. "It's hard for me to let her walk. And after dinner we still have to get things for her bedroom." She puts an arm over my shoulders. "So she's already moved in with you? ". I nod. "Last night she agreed to stay with Rose and me for a while and then slept on the couch". She lets go of me to walk to her office, to lock it and then comes back. "Does she know Chloe and I are coming tomorrow evening? ". My eyes widen. " So no ". I shake my head. "Can't you skip a week? ". My mother has a big smile on her face. " I do not think so ". I sigh. "As long as you don't make a fool of me". She doesn't have time to respond, because Melissa is walking by . " See you tomorrow". My mother kisses my cheek and continues walking. I turn and join Melissa.

When we got home, Melissa went into the living room to do her homework and I went to the kitchen. I've just finished dinner and walk to the living room with two plates. Where I sit next to Melissa on the couch. " Enjoy your meal. I hope it taste". She gives me a small smile and takes a plate from me. " Thank you. Enjoy your meal ". It's another five minutes of silence. I'll just break it. " Do you have a lot in your storage that we need to pick up? ". She shrugs. "I have a bed and some cupboards anyway. My clothes and some other small stuff". I nod. "Then I will hang the trailer behind the car. Emma is also coming here to help". She looks at me a little hard. " Do you think that is annoying? ". She shrugs and falls silent again. "Do you want me to call her and tell her we don't need her help? ". She shrugs her shoulders again and sees the tears in her eyes. " Lis what is it? ". I ask calmly. She sighs. "I would prefer that no one goes with me, but I can't do it alone". I put my plate on the table. Turn to her and take her hand. "Why don't you want us there? ". I see her fighting back her tears, but she can't stop a few from escaping. I gently wipe them off with my thumb. " The storage is not in the safest area. I don't want you to worry about me any more when you see how I live. Or that you suddenly start looking at me differently, because then you get an even better picture of it". I take her plate from her hands and put it on the table. Then I wrap her in a tight hug. "We are really not going to look at you differently. You are who you are and the way you live really doesn't change that. And that time is over now. Okay? ". I feel her nod. " Thank you for everything. I really don't know how to thank you well enough for this". I can hear how broken she is. I kiss her on the top of her head. "You don't have to thank me for anything. I care about you and that you are here now is enough for me." She grips me a little tighter. We are both shocked when the bell rings. That's the sign that we should go to the storage and make sure Melissa gets her own bedroom here.

Melissa wasn't lying when she said the storage wasn't in the safest area. I am therefore extra happy that I can get her out of here. Her storage is a garage box and I must say she keeps it very tidy. If you didn't know better you wouldn't say it was lived in here. Not even dust to be seen. Her bed was neatly made. Some boxes were piled up along the wall. She had a large wardrobe and two bedside tables. It was just like walking into a bedroom in a house. I am very happy that this will now be in my house and that I can get her off the street. "I do that myself". I'm about to grab the last big box, but Melissa comes running. "I can do it though". She shakes her head. " What's in it? ". She looks at me a little hard. " Maybe another time ". I nod. " Okay. Shall we go home? Then we can put it all in your bedroom. After that we can relax." She looks a bit difficult. " What? ". She shrugs. "It sounds weird. Home and my bedroom". I put an arm over her shoulders and kiss her temple. " Get used to it ". I say with a smile and see a small smile on her face.

We just put the last things in the bedroom. Melissa sits down on the bed and looks around. " Satisfied? ". She gives me a small nod. "I just can't quite believe it yet". I nod understandingly. Emma sits down next to her. " That'll come. Tomorrow I'll take you into town and then we'll get some stuff. So that it really becomes your place". Melissa gives Emma a hug. " Thank you for everything ". Emma then looks at me. "Will you join us tomorrow, Val? ". I shake my head. "I want to unpack the last boxes tomorrow and my instruments will be brought here". Emma stands up. " Okay. I'm off now. Shall I pick you up tomorrow around noon? ". Melissa nods. Emma gives Melissa and me a hug and then goes home. " Lis, do you know where your swimsuit is? ". Melissa looks at me questioningly and nods. "Good, then you can go change. I'm going to do that now too and then go outside to prepare the Jacuzzi for use ". Melissa's eyes widen. " Do you have a Jacuzzi? ". I nod. " In the backyard. So go get changed and I'll see you outside in a bit. We do deserve some relaxation". I say as I walk out of her bedroom. I could just see the big smile on her face.

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