The Holy Saint Part 7

Start from the beginning

"They are often seen together. Mostly during patrols. Ms. Reina Sue is a kind, helpful, young girl—just like you, Ame."


Such was the witch's alias when she visited the town. She had also dressed herself up in a way that wouldn't stand out.

The old lady before her went on.

"While Knight Captain Visconti—ah, I don't think I need to go on about how dreamy he is! He is noble, treat an old woman like me like a princess, strong... There are rumors that the two are going out, but if they aren't, I'd like him to meet my granddaughter!" That was the third time Ame had heard similar things.

Well, that certainly didn't sound like the man who attempted to kill her a few times yesterday.

So... Not only was he a lofty person, it seemed that Julius was also well-liked amongst the grandmas. All of them were eager to introduce him to their granddaughters for some reason.

Ame muttered briefly.

"Well, his demeanor certainly changes when a witch is mentioned."

"Huh, Ame, you didn't know?"

Before the old woman could continue her sentences, a cold autumn wind, carrying the hint of winter, blew.

"More importantly, Diana! We have to get you home, soon. What did I say about unnecessary stroll, not to mention, hnggh...—!!"

"Ohoho, it isn't unnecessary. My granddaughter had just sent me some allowance. To respect her, I decided to spent it~ Anyway, thank you for your help. Back in the days, I'd be able to carry these just fine."

"What, do you even need, twenty cartons of milk, for!?"

"We never know when my granddaughter would return. When she got home, she'd surely crave some homemade custard pie. This old lady needs her exercise."

"Okay, just make sure, to not strain yourself, I am ready to help...!"

...Again, finding him wasn't hard. What was hard was staying on track.

The witch wobbled behind the old woman while carrying a huge and heavy box containing cartons of milk.

"Don't worry, you will be compensated. My lovely hens will see to it."

"Thank you, Diana..."

Along the way, people with similar situation as Diana would appear. Every time, the witch would make sure they received proper help. Only when she was already halfway would she realize—

—oh, crap, I forgot about Julius!

However, luck seemed to be on her side that day. The knight templar would always happen to be in the corner of her eyes, chatting while walking with his female companion. As long as it was that woman, it should be fine, the witch thought.

After all, she was the holy saint.


Vice-captain Reina Sue was on a roll—

—or to be precise, captain.

As the newly-appointed captain, it was her duty to deliver weekly report to the church. As such, Reina had to leave her party, whom were in an expedition, and returned to Freyja. That morning, after she had fulfilled her weekly obligations, she chanced upon Julius. They encountered each other in the marketplace.

At the sight of her former captain, her heart made a somersault.

He was as honorable-looking and discipline as ever. It was hard to believe that captain of her left for some selfish-sounding reasons.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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