A Secret Find! A New Navigator Needed!

Start from the beginning

"No, I call that cathartic problems. Just like what happened with Shiki, Luffy got pissed when he heard the news about Nami being kidnapped."

"DAMMIT!" Luffy's voice was getting a bit irritating now.

 So where do you think Nami is? You must've gotten some note in your encounter with Club." Zoro enunciated out for him.

"You're two from two, you're smarter than the brain dead mosshead I took you for." Sanji was monotone once again.

"Shut up, Curly brows; you're not much better either, you know!" Zoro countered.

SMASH! Luffy's cabin window was broken with how much toil he raged in his room.

"Huh? I am much smarter than you, and you know that to be a fact! You don't know your left to your right! You get lost all the time; you almost got us killed by getting in the path of a Celestial Dragon!" Sanji exclaimed, as he caught a flying piece of glass that was led astray by Luffy, who was really not taking the news well.

"Huh? First of all, I had no idea what a Celestial Dragon even was at the time, and I had just seen him kill a pirate in cold blood! Second, I do so know my left to my right, see?!" Zoro argued as he held out his left hand, facing the water.

"That's my right hand." He affirmed, full of confidence. Sanji just sighed, along with the rest of the crew.

"Well, you ARE the right hand of this ship, so it would make sense. But I don't know if you're that dumb or you're just trying to lighten the mood here." Sanji brought out a cigarette to start smoking. The puffs went straight into Zoro with the wind blowing towards him. he wheezed and coughed to get the fumes out of his mouth. Sanji could've sworn he had seen an irk mark appearing on Zoro's face.

Another shard of glass was sent flying across the boat, straight at Zoro, as it pierced his abs. Blood seeped from the wound as everybody on the boat, (except for Luffy), went quiet. The sound of muffling and thumping in Luffy's cabin was still quite apparent. Zoro looked at the glass shard that had dug into his organs. 

He looked at the cabin Luffy was damaging. 

Then he looked at the glass shard.

Then he looked at the cabin again.

And at the glass shard.

Then he looked at Sanji, who had just narrowed his eyes the slightest, then turned away to look back into the sea.

Then Zoro pulled the glass shard out without any grace and chucked it into the water with no composure. He then made his way over to Luffy's cabin and decided to end things once and for all.

He slammed what was left of the door open as he made his way to Luffy and grabbed his collar before screaming in his face.

"When are you going to get over this?! This is the same situation as when Nami was kidnapped by Shiki, and it took you no time to get over it, because you realised that it wasn't the right decision to wallow in your self - pity any longer! I don't get what's so wrong with this situation that you have to throw a temper tantrum like a child who lost his toy, but if your highness please so, the rest of your crew would like to leave to find our navigator! Also, we need the captain to come along, but the captain who I knew and followed wasn't a wuss and a pushover that cried about losing a crewmate. He would look danger in the eyes and take it head on." Zoro shoved Luffy away by the collar as Luffy just stared with eyes wide open at Zoro, who was walking back to his cabin which gave him a full view of Robin, Franky, Chopper, and who had defected back to their cabin's. Sanji was just staring at the open sea, his cigarette not providing a good enough distraction to have Luffy come over and drop his head solemnly, puffs coming out of his mouth even faster than before. He was getting really exasperated.

"Did you hear any of that...Sanji?" Luffy was absolutely shocked with what Zoro had said. He had expected it, sure. But to see that much affirmation being put into a statement was unreal, it being Zoro, the very same man who chopped an entire tower in half and told his captain, in front of hundreds, to sneak in more quietly the next time they faced them.

"Yeah, Luffy. I did. I think that you should heed his words and not try and break a window, as the glass shards shouldn't be piercing your crewmates." Sanji stated.

"Who'd it pierce?" 

"Zoro himself." Sanji said simply, as Luffy hung his head hugh.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Luffy walked back to his cabin, but Sanji wasn't done with him yet.

"Do it yourself. Like Zoro said, our captain would look danger in the eyes and take it head on." Sanji roasted.

"Are you just trying to make fun of me, now?" Luffy's ice cold voice cut in.

"Maybe, maybe not."


"So where'd we need to go to collect Nami, Sanji? Give me the rundown of what Club said to you." Luffy asked, a few days later, his Straw Hat clinging onto one of the Thousand Sunny's Manes.

"He said that he was stationed at a place called the Sunset Paradise. Anyone know where that is?" Sanji asked the crew, who were doing their daily routine.

"I do!" The sounds of Brook and Usopp rang out.

"You do? Great! Can you tell us where it is?" Luffy exclaimed.

"No." The duo responded.

"Why not?" Zoro pitched in, waking up from his afternoon nap.

"Well...It's kind of hard to put it into words, but it's in a hot area that literally is in sunset the whole time, and it literally looks like it's an actual paradise!" Brook exclaimed.

"And it has a big sign on the top of a waterfall saying 'Sunset Paradise', and you have to go through the door of water to get to the other side of the place itself, but it's so cool once you get there!" Usopp chortled.

"So where is it, exactly?" Franky asked, as he scratched his head.

"No idea." Both of them replied at the same time.

"So the only clues that we've gotten are that it's got a billboard that says 'Sunset Paradise' and †hat it could be anywhere in the world. Great." Sanji answered, as he threw his cigarette away into the ocean and dropped his head.

"It's in the South Blue, bordering the West Blue. It's pretty easy to find, the billboard that says 'Sunset Paradise' is about 50 feet tall, you really can't miss it." Robin interrupted immediately, without looking up from the newspaper she was reading. Everybody just looked at her and then looked back at Luffy.

"Okay, well, we're off to the South Blue! Wait, we need a navigator - who's going to be our navigator?" Luffy proposed.

"I'll be the navigator until we find Nami, because-" Zoro was interrupted by Sanji.


"I'll be the navigator for now, I've been to Sunset Paradise before, it was even rumoured that one of the Poneglyphs were there." Robin grabbed the attention of everybody on the ship.


"It was RUMOURED, Luffy. No one actually knows where the last Poneglyph is for sure." Robin made her way into the navigation center. Chopper transformed into his Monster Point and followed Robin.

"Hard a starboard!" Robin commanded.

"Hang on, Nami. We're coming for you..." Luffy's voice came to a halt.

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