Chapter 23

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I was still watching him walk down the drive when the rain started pouring. It seemed to wake me out of my trance, everything we had gone through was not for nothing, no way. I started sprinting down the driveway, which was much easier to do in boots and a casual dress then it would have been in my ballgown and heels, I was so thankful. When I got to him, he stopped and turned. His face full of questions. I slowly began to approach him now. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. The sense of relief when he kissed back was indescribable. He broke the kiss and put me down. "Can I have this dance?", I had nearly forgotten our tradition. I slipped my hand into his, "this dance, and the rest of my dances." We stared into each others eyes, and began to twirl.

This wasn't happily ever after

It was so much more then that.

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