Chapter 4

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I barged into his office. I couldn't take this anymore. I was just glad the kids were at Aunt Adele's for a month holiday, and didn't hear me cry myself to sleep last tonight. "Maxon Schreave" I roared at him. He huffed, "America, I have work to do, I don't have time for this." Being Queen may have refined me, and kids softened me, but there was still a fighter in there, a 5, who wasn't going to ever give up. "I don't care. Maxon, you haven't even talked to me in weeks, and you expect me to put a happy smile on and let you off the hook! I want to know why, I want to know when, I want to know everything." He spoke calmly, condescendingly, like I was a child, "America, get out." I stormed off, slamming the doors in his face.

A week passed, and we didn't speak. I was on the verge of tears all the time. But I wasn't going to ever give in. Then the final straw came.

Me and Maxon were in a meeting together (damn Stavros not telling me things before he plans them) when a women with the shortest skirt, and biggest breasts I had ever seen walked in. I was all for women doing what they want with their bodies, but this was not appropriate in a place of business. And who was she, just walking into our meeting. I asked that question to Aspen, who was seated beside me. He had this look on his face, furious, aware, and sad he had to tell me who she was, "Maxon's new secretary. She was hired last Tuesday." The day after our fight. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to slap her. I wanted to slap everyone at this damn meeting. But I could be wrong, she could be very competent. I shouldn't let my Selection anxiety come back to me. Then I looked at my flat, saggy body, and looked back at her. Who was I kidding.

Hi to anyone who reads this! Thank you so much! Please spread the news to friends. Also, this is not a darkfic, and I'm a huge Maxerica shipper. Keep this in mind, I don't want to spoil the ending though! Please comment and tell me what you think!

Maxerica MarriageМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя