Chapter 7

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I wasn't crying by the time Mary came in, but I was still upset. But Celeste's threat to break Maxon's legs, and Ash's promise of shopping lightened my mode. Ashley's catchphrase was: there's nothing shopping can't fix, (and if it doesn't, eat cake). I couldn't believe I hadn't talked to Mary. But I couldn't now. I was too exhausted.

Mary studied my expression. She knew, she'd known when me and Maxon had had problems since the first day of The Selection. She sat down, and for one of the only times in history, she pulled me into a hug. She released, realising what she'd done. But continued to question my emotional state. Something she would never have done during the selection. A part of me made me proud that if I was a failure, at least someone was more confident because of me.

(Back to present time. Refer to note at bottom if confused)

The second she left I walked over to Maxon's door and peaked my head in. He wasn't there. I recalled the laughs, and kisses. My lips tingled, and for one minute the memories gave me hope. But then I saw the bed, and remembered I hadn't slept here for a week. Looking at the pictures of us, made me think, 'what if he didn't love me anymore?' I wanted to break down all over again, but I couldn't, i wouldn't, I was stronger then this. I looked at a photo of him running his hands through my hair. And one next to it of me and his Mum, after I'd brushed hers.

Attention and Revenge

It could be possible

Hi guys and girls. Chapters 2-6 have been a flashback on why America is so upset across the last month. Now this is back to just after her reflection in chapter 1, read for a refresh of necessary. Thank you so much!

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