Bucky (s)

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A/N: Request made by @moxleyprincess20 I hope you enjoy

"Home sweet home." Bucky said as he unlocked the hotel room door.

"Home for the foreseeable future. How long did they say we'd be here?" I asked, walking in ahead of him.

"A week to two."

"Well, here we go ... oh, there's only one bed." I sighed as I looked into the bedroom area.

"It's fine, I'll sleep on the couch." Bucky said and his intonation seems off.

Since I arrived a few months ago, we've been cool, friendly, hell he flirts with me all of the time. Then, when Tony told us we would be going on this mission together that all changed really quickly. He's always tense and standoffish when we're alone and it's just uncomfortable especially when we're pretending to be a couple.

"We've slept together before, albeit accidentally but it's fine. I don't mind sharing the bed, it's big enough not to bother each other." I told him, just to gauge his reaction.

"It's fine ... the couch doesn't bother me."

My raging crush on him has been kept in control, but I just don't understand. I mean, I thought we were friends. We should be able to work together in peace and he's making that difficult.

"Listen ... I understand that I'm not the person you would prefer to be here with but ..."

"What?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, I get it. Ever since Tony told us about this you've been weird ..."

"No, I haven't."

"Yes, you have. I get it, I'm not the person that you would've picked to do something like this with but at least we can do it in peace." I said.

"What are you talking about, Max?" he sighed, rubbing his normal hand over his face.

"I'm not the spy, I don't have a lot of experience doing covert stuff like this and I'm the newest one on the team so, I understand that this is like a test. You don't want to babysit or risk me messing things up and ..."

"Who exactly do you think I would prefer to be here with?" He asked, interrupting me again.

"Anyone but me. Natasha has done this before, Wanda can read people's minds and make them see whatever she wants, and Maria Hill is just an all-around badass. I control elements, that's it, nothing that can really help us." I sighed as realization sunk into my chest.

"Max, don't do that." he stated.

"It's fine, I still don't understand what the hell Tony Stark wants with me other than the fact that he likes to collect enhanced people. There's the thing with you and Natasha and ..."

"What thing?" he asked.

"Aren't you and Natasha ..."

"No! Jesus, no, she's just a friend." he said.

"Yeah well, I understand."

"Why did your heartrate increase?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Because I get easily flustered." I said, stating a fact that he already knows.

"Why are you flustered?"

"I'm embarrassed and making a bigger fool of myself." I complained, walking away from him.

"Max ... Max ..."

"Just forget it, okay? Forget that I said anything. I'll stick to my side of the room and you stick to yours because clearly, I'm not the person you want to be around." I told him, dropping my bag on the floor next to the bed.

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