Tony (s)

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A/N Wattpad won't let me dedicate so this is for you

"Natashaaaa!" I called out as I walked into the common area.

Thankfully she's the only one here or else this could've been very embarrassing. I have a plan and I need her help.

"Uh oh." the red-headed ex-Russian assassin said. "What have you done now?" she smiled.

"I haven't done anything ... yet. I need your help to get it done." I smiled.

"What are you planning now?"

"You know how there's all this sexual tension between ..."

"Everybody knows about the sexual tension between you and Tony, Sierra. What about it? Last time we talked about it, he's been avoiding being alone with you." she asked, her eyebrows pulling together.

"Well, I've decided to take plunge and see if I can get him to act on it. If he doesn't do it tonight, I'll just keep to myself and live out this fantasy in my head."

"What's your plan?" she smiled.

"I knew I loved you for a reason. So, this is my plan." I said as we walked away.


"Those two are trouble." Bruce said as he and Tony watched Natasha and Sierra leave the room just as they entered.

"Yeah ... trouble." Tony said, watching the brunette walk away.

"Tony, come on, just make a move already." Bruce said.

"What? Brucie ... you're telling me to make a move?"

"I already made mine." Bruce smirked.

"What? When did you do that?"

"Couple of weeks ago, you would've noticed if you weren't so transfixed on Sierra. Make a damn move." Bruce told him, sipping his green tea.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Bruce, I'm 14 years older than her. What the hell could she want with me?" He asked, looking back down at the tablet in his hands.

"The two of you flirt like it's your damn job, just make a move. The age factor clearly doesn't bother her." Bruce said.

"No, I think it's better this way."

"You're suffocating us all with the sexual tension, make a move before it's too late." Bruce told his friend, walking into the kitchen.

"Too late?" Tony muttered. "Bruce stop messing around, we've got a party to get ready for."

"Not another party." Bruce sighed.


"Okay, what about this one?" I asked Natasha.

"That's good but it doesn't have what you need." she said when she turned it around.

"True ... oh, I found it." I smiled, holding up the perfect dress for tonight.

"That it is and I found mine." she smiled.

"They're absolutely putty tonight, with the difference being that no matter the outcome of my night, you're still gonna get some. So if I don't, you're telling me all about it." I told her.

"We'll drag Wanda in here and get her to tell us about sexy time with Sam too." Nat said.

"Ooh, sounds like a plan."

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