Chapter 3 - Introduction

Start from the beginning

8 minutes have passed.

The tagger pointed the gun at me but luckily, someone pushed him. It's Aguni, together with the guy with a leather jacket. I quickly stand up, feeling dizzy. I was about to fall again when Karube catch me.

I looked at him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes. Now, let others find the safe zone while we fight the tagger, so that there's no distractions." He nodded.

Aguni punched the tagger a couple of times causing him to pass out. I approached the tagger. "Wow that punch must hurt." I laugh before going with Karube, Aguni and the other guy.


Chishiya saw Yuka at the corner, waiting for the right moment to attack the tagger. A very dangerous move. A moment later, Yuka tried her best to kill the tagger but he just throw her. She bumped into a solid wall, causing her head to bleed. But Yuka seems not to care because she quickly stand up when Aguni pushed the tagger.

Chishiya watched with an amused face. That girl is interesting. She also know the best starting position. He needs to know more about her. If he can use her for his plan.

She's worried about Akari when suddenly, she heard a gunshot. When she look around, she saw that the tagger is now awake, trying to hit the guy with a blue cap with his gun. Well luckily for him, he manage to dodge all the bullets. Then, she notices something. The door where the blue cap guy was, is not getting hit by a bullet. But the walls beside that door has holes, meaning, that door is bulletproof.

That must be the safe zone right?

She goes to Aguni, Karube and the other guy. "I know where the safe zone is. But i need you guys to distract the tagger so that we're gonna go there without being blocked by someone."

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" The guy with the leather jacket said.

I explained what happened on how i found out where the safe zone is. Then, Aguni and Karube agrees, making the guy agree too.

"Thankyou." I said while running to the hallway, finding Arisu and Akari.

"Everyone! The tagger is currently at the second level of the central area! The tagger has bad vision because of it's mask! Let's inform each other of the taggers location and search for the safe zone together!" I heard Arisu's Voice.

"The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the central area, anyone nearby, run!" I heard another one shout, it's a girl's voice this time.

8 minutes until the game ends.

There currently 8 survivors


4 minutes remaining.

When I'm near the door, i saw Arisu and Chishiya talking.

"So you figured it out too?" Chishiya ask.

"Yes. This is the safe zone."

"It is." I interrupted them. "But why did the tagger chase us? They could've just waited here."

"Seems like there's something else we don't know. However, if you don't open it..." Chishiya gets his phone and shows the time remaining. 3 minutes....

"We don't have much time, open it!" I said.

The three of us go inside, Arisu is the first one, next is me and lastly, Chishiya. We observed the room, there's nothing interesting about it. It's just a simple room. And suddenly i felt a presence behind us. When i look around, i saw another tagger. Pointing the guns towards us. I pushed both of them to avoid the bullet.

Before i can do something, Chishiya got his music player and tazed the tagger. So it's a tazer. Did he just made that up?

"It never hurts to be prepared-" Chishiya was cut off because i pushed them again, avoiding the bullet while we go outside. Well, only me and Chishiya. Arisu is left with the other room.

Then, we heard Arisu shout. "Someone, please come over! The safe zone is in apartment 406! It's impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!"

30 seconds remaining.

"Shit, i need to go back." I said.

"Seriously?" Chishiya said.

"Yes! We don't have much time left!" I said, pulling Chishiya inside. We saw Arisu avoiding the gun to shoot him, while it landed on us. We crouch down. Chishiya is holding his tazer, I'm about to get it when someone arrived, jumping from the window.

"You called?" The athletic girl said.

"Oi," Chishiya called her before throwing the tazer. Luckily, the girl caught it and tazed the taggers legs, causing it to fall.

5 seconds remaing.

"The button!" I shout. Then, both of them jump, pushing the button in time.


I sigh. My dizziness became worse, i fall to the ground. Chishiya looked at me. Then, we heard the tagger moved, so we all look at... her. She looks scared, an old lady. Then the metal on her neck makes a sound. Seconds later, the collar exploded. Causing the blood to splash everywhere, including my clothes.

I stand up, "I'm off now, i need to find my friend. Nice meeting you all." I'm about to leave when the girl talk. "I'm Usagi, nice to meet you." She offered her hand but i just smiled at her. "Yuka." I answered shortly before going out. Only to find Karube, holding Akari's hand on his shoulder to guide her. She's been shot on her arm, definitely not that bad but it's not good.

"She's your friend r-right?" He huskily said, i noticed that he has a cut on his waist.

"Yes, thankyou." I quickly go to them, pulling Akari to mine. "Are you okay?" I asked and she looks at me. "I'm sorry i came late, i can't move properly." She laughs.

I smiled, "Come on, we need to find a shelter and treat your wound." She nodded and we go out of the game arena, leaving the other players behind.


Words: 1562

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