15 - Day Out

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Today has been a little strange. You thought your conversation with Kodai yesterday would have made you two closer. Yet, she was acting very weird and distant. The first instance was when we were going to homeroom. You saw her in the halls, and she barely said anything to you. Immediately after she ran to the classroom. Once there, she barely talked to you and pretended she was busy writing something in her notebook. At lunch, she didn't even sit with you. She couldn't have even gone with her friends from her other class because they have a different lunch schedule. It just didn't make sense.

"Shoto, did you feel Kodai was acting weird today?" You asked him.

Classes had ended and you were both walking back to your dorm. Kodai, too, hurried back to hers right as the bell rang. Without even saying goodbye.

"Kodai? No, not really," he mentioned casually.

You don't know if men aren't very perceptive or if yours is just broken.

Maybe both.

"You didn't notice anything out of the ordinary? At all?" you asked incredulously.

"Nope. She spoke to me as normal today."


That's... odd.

"Anyways... since today is Friday, we should do something fun! What about ice skating? Since we didn't get to go last time."

"That day was really something," he remembered while putting a hand up on his forehead, "but yes it should be fun. Let's do it."

"Let's invite some of the others! What about Katsuki?" You ask, looking up at him.

"I don't think he likes me, Y/n."

"Pfff. That's not true at all," you confidently said.


"With half and half? I don't think so."

Your face immediately fell. You knew Katsuki wasn't that keen on Shoto, but not to this point.

"C'monnn, Katsuki, it'll be funnn," you said dragging your words while clinging onto his arm.

"What are you guys doing?" jumps out Mina.

"We're going ice skating!" You reply to her.

"Sounds fun! Can we join?" Asks Uraraka from the other side of the room.

"Oooh I want to go too!"

"Me too!"

"I haven't been ice skating in ages!"

"We're leaving now?"

"Let me go grab a jacket!"


"So you're going?" You ask with a big smile.

He just sighs and turns towards the elevator.

"Be right back."

You knew you could count on him.

Sure enough, everyone else also tagged along to go ice skating. Shoto wanted it to be more of you and him thing only, but deep down you know he loves having his friends there with him. Thankfully, this time it was open.

"Let's race to the other side of the rink, hedgehog hair!" Yells out Katsuki.

"You're on!" Responds Kirishima.

"C'mon, Y/n, everyone got on besides you," hurried you Shoto offering a hand.

Turns out ice skating wasn't as fun as you originally thought. It sounded easy in theory but your confidence quickly shattered once you put the skates on. If you were barely able to stand on them on the carpet, you didn't want to think about getting on the actual ice.

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