Returning the Bolt

Start from the beginning

"We have to catch him. I think he is unconscious." Clarisse said looking around but Bella saw the large water tower a few buildings away

She focused and felt the large amount of water inside calling to her. Bella summoned the water to catch Luke. Luke landed while trying to get his air back. Bella and Clarisse helped him up and Ethan disappeared. Clarisse and Bella helped Luke inside as he checked on them. Bella was feeling really tired. The adrenaline was starting to calm down now and she could feel every scratch, peck, and bump from the birds. 

"You guys need ambrosia, ASAP." Luke said 

Clarisse had a long gash across her sword that was bleeding pretty bad. Bella had gashes across both arms, her head, and her back. Bella was covered in blood but she focused on patching them up before herself. 

Hermes and Apollo came out of the elevator and walked quickly over to the kids. 

"You guys are being summoned to Olympus. We saw everything with Ethan. Apollo?" Hermes turned to his best friend 

Apollo began quickly fixing up the demigods who stayed behind to give Percy and the others time to get the bolt inside. Once they were patched up, they were led onto Olympus. When they got there Bella saw everyone was seated except for Athena and Poseidon, whom were talking to Annabeth and Percy on the side. Bella figured they sent her mother home. 

When taken before Zeus they bowed but said nothing. 

"You have helped retrieve my brothers bolt. We thank you, demigods." Poseidon said as Zeus looked as though he swallowed a lemon

The three demigods kept their heads bowed but said nothing. 

"We have agreed that each of you deserve a boon especially my children whom have been wrongly accused from the start." Poseidon said markedly towards Zeus who growled slightly 

"What could we grant you, demigods, so this day can be over?!" Zeus groaned out

They hesitated which seemed to irritate Zeus into rushing them. 

"Come forth, Clarisse La Rue daughter of Ares. Your father has caused us enough issues today. If I had my way you would receive nothing but pain thanks to your father to punish him further, but I have been told that would be unwise as you helped us and had no dealing in your father's matters. What boon can we grant you?" Zeus demanded 

Clarisse took a deep breath before  starting. 

"New equipment for Camp Half-Blood. Most things are worn and have been used so many times that they no longer pose a challenge or learning experience for us, my Lord." Clarisse said never once looking at Ares who flinched slightly at his favorite daughter's cold shoulder 

"So be it. You will receive all new swords and equipment along with a catalog to give you an idea of what can be added." Athena said as Hephaestus wrote things down

"Come forth, Luke Castellan and state your boon." Zeus called 

"Better living conditions for the demigods. Many do not make it to camp half blood and those that do so rarely get claimed and ended up stuffed into Hermes cabin. I would alike to arrange so that demigods who are near to each other can help guide new demigods to camp along side the satyrs. We have the experience to fight then we should be allowed to do so for our brothers and sisters." Luke said 

The gods glanced at each other guiltily. 

"Granted. You are taking too long to think about these thing Zeus. It was a simple request. You all sleep around and damn the consequences. He is merely trying to help clean up your messes." Hera said coldly

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