"She's fucking hot. You got lucky, Chishiya." The man wielding a gun spat at him with venom in his voice.

You scoffed as you heard the man with the shorts say the word "girlfriend".

"I'm not his girlfriend, grandpa. We literally just met today," you said with full disinterest, emphasizing the word "grandpa". He looked at least 10 or 7 years older than you, and you just wanted to taunt him.

"By the way, you're fucking loud."

Chishiya's eyes widened slightly at the last sentence. He's never seen anyone who isn't afraid of the "grandpa", let alone insult him. Everybody knows how much power he holds in this so-called "community" and nobody dared to speak back.

"Ohh, a feisty one! Those are cutest!" The man said with the same loud tone as he held his arms wide. "Welcome to my utopia, the Beach. I heard how much potential you have, so I welcome you with a warm embrace!"

Since when did he even hear about your games?

"Now, before you enjoy your time here, there are a few rules I must address regarding the Beach," he said.

"Now, my name is Hatter, not grandpa!" He smiled widely.

"Rule number 1: you must always wear a bathing suit," he said as he walked around. You scoffed at him.

"Rule number 2: you are free to live your life exactly as you wish! Drugs, beer, alcohol, and more importantly, sex is allowed~~" he said with a sing-song voice as he winked at you and Chishiya.

"Stop winking. You look ugly when you do that," you said with disinterest as you crossed your arms.

Hatter chuckled before stating the third rule. "Rule number 3. Death to all traitors. All cards that you have obtained during your games must be given to the Top 1 resident, otherwise known as me, Hatter, and no one may leave once admitted to the Beach. Leaving the beach is considered traitorous," he said as he turned to you.

Hatter's voice was more darker and more intense. His smile completely faded and now he's staring at you intensely, almost as if he was glaring at you. It even looked like he doesn't trust you fully.

"That's creepy. Stop staring at me like that," you said as you glared back at him.

He regained his smile and moved to the side to give you a better view of the card board behind him.

There was X marked down on nearly all of the cards that were drawn, they were only missing the 4 of diamonds, 6 of clubs, 3 of clubs, 5 of hearts, 6 of spades, 7 of hearts and 5 of spades. The face cards were nowhere to be found, so obviously they didn't have them yet.

"This is all the cards that we have," Hatter said,

"And if we can get all of them, we are able to leave this "country"." He ended.

"Now that you've seen the board, it's time for you to give me your cards!" He smiled widely.

"Chishiya probably has the 5 of spades that we completed together. All I have is this," you said as you revealed a 3 of clubs card.

"Ohh! That's a new one! And you completed a 5 of spades with Chishiya too?! Incredible! We have new cards! We're only missing 7 of hearts, 5 of hearts, 6 of clubs, 6 of spades and 4 of diamonds!" He cheered as he took the card from your hand. He proceeded to look at you suspiciously.

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