'I'm not well'

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11th of August 2001 (Harry and Dracos house) 

Harry was woke up feeling sick to his stomach he looked over to his husband and climbed over him  but he was sick as soon as he got into the hallway "Harry?" Draco mumbled as Harry quickly covered his mouth "Harry!" Draco shouted running over to his Husband 

"Love you ok?" Draco asked kneeling down next to Harry

 "I don't know I've been feeling sick all this week." Harry mumbled as Draco pulled him close 

"Shh, it's ok." Draco said as Harry fiddled with Dracos rings

 "Let's go back to bed." Draco whispered but Harry wouldn't budge "Carry me." Harry whispered as Draco rolled his eyes "No." Draco said getting up "Pleaseeeee~" Harry whined as Draco gave in and picked him up "Thanks love." Harry said as Draco sighed as he put Harry on the bed 

"Your aren't going to work" Draco said as he looked into the hallway

 "I have to clean up your sick." Draco added as Harry put the covers over his body

 "Mhm." Harry mumbled while falling to sleep as Draco walked downstairs to get the mop and scrub the floor after ten minutes Draco came back as he quietly moved Harry off his side of the bed Harry groaned when Draco touched him but he whispered into his ear Draco got into to bed quietly as Harry mumbled something but Draco didn't hear him because he had fallen to sleep 

*In the morning*

Draco was sat at the kitchen table writing to Hermione about Harry maybe it was his job that was making him feel sick? the stress? probably.

 that was it he saw Harry walk downstairs while yawning "Up early i see." Draco smirked as he signed the letter to Hermione

 "I didn't feel like sleeping in." Harry said sitting down at the table "You need sleep love it's probably why you're being sick." Draco smiled while Harry put his head on the table 

"You probably right it's just lack of sleep." Harry mumbled as Draco went up the window and handed the owl his letter "I'm always right." Draco snarked as Harry let out a laugh

"But should I go see a healer just incase?" Harry sat up while Draco sat down next to him "Of course you dimwit!" Draco shouted "Why in gods name would you have to ask that question!" Draco kept shouting as Harry laughed

 "Ok,Ok I get it." Harry said as Draco stop shouting "Good go today I'll meet you when I'm done with work and we'll go then." Draco said standing up to make himself breakfast 

"Haz you want cereal!" Draco shouted as Harry started to feel more sick "I feel too sick!" Harry shouted back as Draco stuck his his head out and frowned "No! You're eating!" Draco shouted as Harry groaned 

"Dray I'll be sick!" Harry shouted with his head on the table as Draco came in with a bowl of cereal and but it next to Harry "Eat now." Draco demand as Harry lifted his head up "I don't want to." Harry said back as Draco narrowed his eyebrows "Am I going to have to spoon feed you?!" Draco said sitting down at the table

 "Draco-" Harry said but before he could even finish Draco had shoved a spoon of cereal into his mouth Harry immediately coughed and spluttered he felt he was choking the death "D-d-Draco!" Harry coughed as Draco started to regret his decision  "Love spit it out!" Draco shouted he was definitely regretting his decision now Harry looked at him with annoyance

 "Shit! I gotta go to work!" Draco Shouted looking at the time "See you at five, ok?" Draco said kissing Harry and quickly running out the door Harry looked at the cereal and felt more sick then ever he couldn't wait to go to the healer and get prescribed some medicine or something like that and feel much better Harry looked up from the cereal and saw a blue haired two year old standing there

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