ice cream and a chance meeting

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[Hiro's delights Ice cream shop]

Izuku and his mom had arrived at their intended destination for their celebration of Izuku gaining a quirk.

"Wow sure is a line here huh?" The mother muttered in shock.

"Well i guess All Might is a super popular hero." She said to herself.

That's when she noticed the banner above that read [purchase the All Might special for a chance to win a free ticket to the hero museum in Tokyo!]

She smiled and said.

"Hey Izuku check that out, you could win a free trip to the hero museum, better hope you're super lucky."

The boy looked beyond excited before and after that reveal he looked even more hyped up. Doing his computer time head swing that always amused the mother to no end.

After waiting in line for what felt like hours they alomost got to the front of the line and as his mom waited to order he looked around at the shop and it's inhabitants.

Upon looking behind himself he noticed something that caught his full attention.

"Wow those are the limited edition all might light up sneakers! So cool!" He exclaimed in excitement and then the owner of said light up shoes replied.

"Aren't they? It took a lot of cereal box tops to redeem and i do mean a loooot." The girl put emphasis on lot and held out her little arms saying.

"Like this much!" And she tried to stretch her little limbs as far as possible further impressing Izuku with the amount she displayed.

"Woah! That's like a billion!" It very clearly wasn't even close to that number.

"Mmhm!" But to two 4 year olds it might as well have been. The girl then said.

"I never wanna eat dumb cereal again! What about you? Those are some pretty neat shoes you have!" She complimented the boy and he said.

"Oh really!? I wanted these really cool fluffy cute ones but Mom said these one's were cheap but she liked them, said it gives me character!" That caused the girl to tilt her head in confusion.

"Why didn't your mom get you the fluffy ones? You wanted them right?" The girl looked completely confused and he added.

"Oh, um. Well it's just us and she didn't have enough to get them." The girls eyebrows scrunched up and she continued.

"Enough? Enough what?" Izuku then looked confused and timidly replied.

"M-money." That caused the girl to blush and she apologized saying.

"Oh! Sorry how rude mother says that not everyone is as well off as us and to not make others feel little by comparison!" The girl then desperate to change the subject looked around for a change of subject.

"Ah! So how do you think they decided which of us go's to the museum?" That made the little boy put his hand to his mouth tapping his chin as he began muttering.

"Hmm, given how many of us they could do it by tickets but that seems unlikely given the lack of paper on the tables that do have ice cream." He then caught her staring at him and he took a step back and rubbed his neck.

"S-sorry miss aki said i shouldn't mumble in front of others." But the girl completely ignored him exclaiming.

"Are you some kind of genius!? I didn't even notice any lack of paper, and now that i think of it there aren't even receipts! Is your quirk smarts!?" She smiled brightly enjoying pestering the shy boy who was himself shocked that someone thought he was cool.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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