Margo's Issues At School

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The first day after winter break seemed to start off well for Margo and her sisters. She, Edith and Agnes started out the day by eating eggs and bacon.

"Glad to see you girls so excited about school!" said Lucy.

Margo wanted to look pretty, so she tried out some makeup. She tried eye shadow, blush, and lipstick. The lipstick she used even happened to be Lucy's lipstick taser!

Unfortunately, it made her face look like a total mess.

"Margo, are you ok-Margo, what have you done?" asked Lucy when she saw what a mess Margo's face was.

"I wanted to look nice for school," said Margo.

"Oh there a boy you want to impress?" she asked.

"Well, um..." she thought of Antonio, her former boyfriend. She then realized she wasn't trying to impress him.

"Sweetie, you don't need all this makeup. You're already beautiful!" she told Margo.

Margo cracked a little smile, then pulled a bottle from under her seat.

"Can I at least wear perfume? I'm 14 years old, I'm old enough for makeup!"

"I guess..." said Lucy.

"Yayyy!" said Margo, excitedly dancing around her room.

"Remind me never to grow up," said Edith, who peeped into Margo's room and was disgusted by the whole thing with makeup.

Unfortunately, the rest of the day was very difficult for Margo. She had to put up with Judy and Amelia's attitudes.

"Hi, Judy," she told Judy.

"Back off, nerd!" said Judy. "Why would anyone bother talking to you?"

Margo was so upset by her comments, she went to sit with Amelia.

"Oh my gosh, Margo, do you know how hot Antonio is?"

Margo didn't want to tell Amelia the truth about Antonio. It was bad enough he cheated on her at his dad's party, but since he had a super-powered evil alter-ego as well, it was downright horrifying.

But she announced anyway.

"Antonio is a heartbreaker with an evil alter-ego!" she accidentally said, before covering her mouth with embarrassment.

Antonio heard what she said. He wasn't Eduardo Hyde, but he was still angry with Margo.

"What. Did. You. Say. About. Me," he said, angrily confronting her.

Margo was very embarrassed, and started sweating.


"Say it..." he said.


"SAY IT!" he snapped. The teacher, Mrs. Burton, saw Antonio, and told him to go outside for a breath of fresh air. Everyone knew that Antonio had a stronger, evil side now.

"You haven't seen the last of Antonio Rico Mateo Perez!" he yelled at her while walking out of the room.

Wow. That's a long name. Thought Margo to herself.

Margo remembered that Antonio had already talked about his evil side during his "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" report.

"Didn't Antonio already talk about-?"

"Now, Margo, let's not talk about it when Antonio's upset."

The thing was, everyone had already forgotten about it when Margo mentioned Antonio's evil side, and Antonio didn't like having it brought up.

Margo and Amelia sat together during lunch, which was salad.

"Now, Amelia, Antonio sounds like a cute guy, but underneath that seemingly wonderful guy is a monster trying to get out. He's not boyfriend material, and he will never be," said Margo to Amelia, while they both munched on their salad.

"Hey! That's not fair! I can change him! You don't understand him like I do! He's a person too, you know! He's just a little messed up! I can change him!" she started yelling at her.

Margo rolled her eyes. There was no convincing Amelia with boys like Antonio.

"I just don't think he's right for you," she said.

"Does Amelia Mary Sherman ever give up?! No siree she doesn't! She can fix Antonio and he'll be perfect! He's already perfect on the outside!" said Amelia, while snapping her fingers.

"Well, but Antonio is a heart-breaking, smug, stuck-up...handsome guy with shiny hair-wait a minute!" she said, catching herself before falling too deeply in love.

"See, what did I say? He's too handsome to be evil. Even you realize that," said Amelia in a smug tone, almost like Judy's.

"Yeah, but he can be handsome and evil. I should know. I thought he was the perfect boyfriend until he broke my heart. Oh well. If he breaks your heart, it's your loss, babe," she said, throwing out her food.

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