The Upcoming Party

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Everything seemed to be okay with Antonio, until the night after the Friday after Thanksgiving. He had a very vivid nightmare. He was trapped in a white room and a voice was calling him.


"What is it?"

It jumped out of nowhere and screamed. "Antonio!"

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Antonio, I am Eduardo Hyde. You see, I live inside you. I am the demon you try so hard to fight."

"What are you talking about?"

"I have been trapped inside you for so long. Now I am free!" he said, while running up a wall.

"How can you do that?"

"With these," said Eduardo. He took off his shoes to show his handlike feet. "Feels so much better not to have my fingers not trapped in my shoes!"

"Fingers? Shoes? Oh my-" said Antonio.

"Goodness!" he said as he awoke, freaked out from his dream.

He took off his shoes to see if they were still feet. He was relieved when he found out his feet were not hands.

The next day, Mr. Perez talked about a holiday party at Antonio's house.

"And it'll work out perfectly! The adults can hang out while the kids have their fun. I got some delicious holiday cookies and Miracle on 34th Street," he said, trying to persuade Gru.

Gru gave him one of those "Are-you-kidding-me" looks, then said, in a blunt way, "You're joking."

"Who said I was joking?" said Mr. Perez.

"It's not that I have anything wrong with it..." lied Gru. "But Antonio might see Margo, and we don't want that."

"Gru, it'll be fine," said Mr. Perez.

"I'm not so sure..." said Gru. He had mixed feelings about Antonio seeing his daughter, mostly negative feelings.

On the other hand, he also knew that Juan had not chosen It's A Wonderful Life because it starred Lionel Barrymore, whose brother John Barrymore was in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and he didn't want to give Antonio bad vibes.

"I take that as a "yes."" said Mr. Perez. "I'm going to buy some fancy new invitations. See you tomorrow!"

I didn't even continue what I said! thought Gru. But it was too late, Mr. Perez had already took his stuff and left.

Everything's going to be fine...murmured Gru to himself as he left the school.

Who am I kidding? Everything is not fine! Not only is Antonio back, he has a new evil side! He might hurt Margo!

He tried to sleep that night, but he was too scared.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" asked Lucy. Gru was so scared he went to the bathroom and Lucy was waiting for the bathroom.

"I guess so..." said Gru.

"No, Gru sweetie, something's wrong. What is it?"

"Margo's class is holding a holiday party. Antonio will be there, and he'll hurt Margo!"

"Now, Gru sweetie, Margo will be fine."

"Lucy, Antonio was unfrozen and now he's like Jephyll and Snyde-"

"One, it's Jekyll and Hyde. Second, how did that happen?"

"Well, this scientist guy un-froze him, but didn't do it's a long story, Lucy."

"Well, there's no way..."

"What do you mean, there's no way?"

"Antonio's not going to hurt Margo!"

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because I'm going to be chaperoning and you don't mess with a mama bear, especially if she's a former spy?"

"You're going to get in trouble if you-"

"Oh, don't worry. I can protect Margo without laying a finger on anymore!"

"I don't think I want to know how."

"Well, let's worry about this later. Right now we'll get some sleep."

"Good night, Lucy."

"Good night, Gru."

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