꧁A Plan꧂

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♫𑁍Becky's POV:𑁍♫

I stroll towards Desmonds dorm clutching the sharpest pair of scissors i could find. I wonder if I should knock. The halls were empty as everyone had left to eat lunch but that didn't stop me from being careful. I raised my fist to knock on the door. Soon it swung open as I met face to face with Damians two minions. They glanced down at my hands to find them holding a pair of scissors. They then blocked the entrance in attempt to stop me.

"You two. If you want your lives, let me in."

Emile and Ewen reluctantly move aside as i stride into the spacious dorm. I couldn't find Damian anywhere!

"Pfft, if you are looking for bossman, he already left to the cafeteria. He said he was going to look for someone." Ewen recalled while rolling his eyes.
"Why are you here anyway? Too angry that bossman sat behind Any-" He then stood there frozen in shock as i threw the pair of scissors past his head, missing him by 2 centimetres as it stuck out of the door they were standing by. I move forward towards them.

"Sit. Down." I demanded while pointing towards the couches. "NOW."

♡🝮︎time skip to when they finally sit down🝮♡︎

I really do enjoy the thrill when I see their terrified faces. I sat them down for a whole interrogation. They told me all about Damian's crush on Anya since age 6. I found I quite hilarious but also exciting. This is just like the perfect love story! Since they knew so much about this topic though, I needed their help to let the ship sail.

"I am willing to accept this relationship if I can help you both make the ship sail."

"Deal." They both agreed.

♡🥜︎Anya's POV🥜♡︎

Becky is taking so long. Anya is a little worried. At least Anya isn't the only one alone in the Imperial Scholars dining hall. Sy-on is eating alone as well. Anya can't find Emile or Ewen around him. Anya is munching on my omrice, sadly they ran out of peanuts today so Anya is extra lonely. I look around to find a boy looking at Anya. I have never seen him around the school but i guess he is in a different class, also Anya thinks he is older than me. He starts to approach my table and then lays a packet of peanuts in front of me!

"Thank you so much! Anya wanted peanuts today but they sold out. Now i can eat them after all!" I said while i saw the boy turn into the colour of a tomato. I smiled widely as i munched on my peanuts.

That boy is so dead. Wait till i get my hands on him. He won't even dare to look at Anya.

I look around to see where that thought came from. Then i caught Damian staring daggers at the boy that just gave me the packet of peanuts. He looked scared for his life. I wonder if the thought was Damian's. No, it couldn't be. He would never like a commoner like me. The bell rang as lunch ended. Becky didn't get to eat her lunch. Anya might as well walk to class and wait for Becky there.

꧁Time skip to after school:꧂

♥︎⍟Damian's POV:⍟♥︎

I got a text from Blackbell saying to meet her behind the school. The conversation was quite suspicious not gonna lie.

꧁The text:꧂

Blackbell: Meet me at the back of the school at the end of the day. You better be here or else i will make sure Anya never talks to you ever again.

Damian: As if i care whether she talks to me or not!

Blackbell: So is that a no? ಠ_ಠ

Damian: ...

Damian: i-i will be there.

Blackbell: thought so.😎


End of conversation

I see Blackbell standing in the middle of an empty field of grass with a smirk. I wanted to slap that expression off her face but unfortunately it will only make her prettier. She is holding a piece of paper with numbers on it. Probably a phone number.

"Good evening, ... Desmond." Something about the way she said it was awfully unsettling.
"This is the phone number of Anya Forger." As she held the piece of paper to my face for a split second.
"Admit it. You want it so badly."

"A-as if."I replied trying to sound confident. They only came out with stutters.
"W-Why would i w-want a commoners n-number!"

"Well then, might as well give this to that boy. I heard he was going to confess to Anya soon." Every word that was in that sentence felt like they were stabbing me in the stomach. I snatched it from Becky's hands and shoved it in my pocket.

"No you won't. Watch, i will confess before that boy could even think about it." I can't believe i just said that. I walked away. I could just feel the evil grin on Becky's face. I am just glad no one saw that.

🜲تBecky's POV:ت🜲

I set up the cameras in every angle possible and put them all on record. I am determined to make him confess his love for Anya. He walked in looking highly suspicious. I wouldn't blame him, after being trained by ❤️Loid❤️, he has been on high alert 24/7.(yep, Becky still has a huge crush on Loid.) I shoved the phone number infront of him. As expected, he immediately denied the fact he liked Anya so i went with plan B, a threat. After stating the threat and knowing quite well how triggered he is. Desmond soon proved my point by snatching the paper out of my hand and finally confirming his crush towards Anya. He walked away without a word. I was grinning with an evil expression. Now i finally have proof and I also have more power over him than ever. Mission complete.

Hi! Sorry for not updating yesterday but here it is now! Also, WOW! 17 reads already! Thank you all so much, i really appreciate it as i never expected for more that 10 reads. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Pls tell me if you like this length or if you prefer a shorter one. Thank you! (1000 words exactly!)


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