{Sexy leather pants} Dick Grayson X Assassin Reader X Jason Todd

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You couldn't find a contact on her phone that specified anyone to be her significant other, so you decide to group text everyone, "I'm going home, don't worry I'm fine."

You stuck the phone in a newly acquired pocket and locked the door behind you.

Jason was hanging around Dick and seemed to be keeping watch. Since you hadn't changed your face you didn't think getting too close would be a good idea.
Never before had you thrown a knife, intentionally at least. But you decided tonight would be a good time to learn.
You flung it across the ballroom, and it hit. The wall. It stayed for a split second before dropping to the ground. You wished you'd tied a string to the handle to retrieve it.
But Jason noticed, you locked eyes for a split second before you shot away.
You raced down the halls wrenching open doors and zooming through rooms. A frightening sharp pinging urging you forward to race faster. It quickened, you quickened your furious hop which was all you could really do to move quickly in these sexy leather pants. The realization this might not be the best way to escape came after the fifth time having to turn around because of the dead end of a bathroom.
On your sixth time discovering you ran into a bathroom, you realized he wasn't chasing you and the pinging was coming from you. Not unlike some kind of deep power and or strength that you had at first attributed to an outside source, but was actually inside of you all along.
However it wasn't inside of you but your dress, and it wasn't a hidden strength but rather your phone. You flipped it to find several messages, one being from Paul. After all this time, he said he'd never speak to you again, but here it was. A message after all this time.

[Why should care?]

You tried to remember the last text you'd sent. But then you remembered he'd been the last one to text, saying he never wanted to speak to you again and to lose his number. Which was really strange since you only had his number to pick up something for a mutual friend.

You decided to go with the safe answer,

[lol same]

There were also like twenty more.

[But you don't drive!]

[is this a code?]

[as long as we're on the subject just give me cash this year]

[the gun is in the trash can outside hidden in a pizza box along with the goods]

[text me when you get back]

[what you were my ride home!]

You didn't really remember who half these people were or what you'd spoken about last so you just group texted everyone, "lol same".

Paul would just have to deal with two.

You slipped it back into your pocket and went to the sink. Sweat ran like a river down your face and your legs were starting to feel painfully hot. You splashed your face with cold water and pulled off the gown and slid down on the floor, your legs felt seared to the touch and you were honestly afraid of what you would find underneath.

Another ping came, it was from Mindy, probably confused as to why she's texted so late. You wondered why everyone had picked now to text you. You opened the text.


You were about to respond when another came from Elliot, you hadn't heard from him in months. You thought he'd forgotten about you. The message made you well up.

[you left without me?]

He'd been waiting this whole time? No, he left. You wouldn't be fooled so easily this time.

[what about Nancy?]

The response came back quickly,


Had the rumors not been true? Had he not written the breakup note you found on your fridge?

I couldn't find a sticky note I'm leaving you for Nancy, she's prettier.

If you left now, you could have a life together. If you held back yourself and sacrificed for him. Your dreams, your friends, yourself. No, you weren't going back to that hell. Not even for the new Netflix password. You'd never be that girl again. You were over him.

[I'm never coming back!]

[What are you talking about?]

[Don't gaslight me! I'm done with you and your stupid mind tricks!]

[Why is Robert still here?]

[Because he's my dog and his name is Bob! Get out of my house! Leave your key and lose my number!]

You turned off your notification and stood up. You went outside. After a bit of digging you found the pizza box, inside was a loaded gun and an envelope you took the gun and left the envelope.
It was heavy in your hand and you wondered how you'd sneak it in. But then you realized you wouldn't have to. He was standing outside, and Jason was nowhere to be found.

You raised the gun. You aimed. Your finger slipped to the trigger. You started to press down on it. Gritting your teeth. Preparing for the blast. Jason slammed you to the ground. Dick turned.

"Oh hi Y\N!" he greeted with a smile, but his face turned stern, "Jason why did you knock over Y\N?"

"She was trying to kill you!"

His face turned to hurt, "I thought we agreed we were better as friends."

"It's not about that Dick," you assured, "I have nothing against you, I was just hired to kill you for a hundred thousand dollars."

The consolation you were doing it for personal profit rather than a vendetta did not seem to comfort him much.

"I found our employer. Garrison Frank, he's running for mayor of Blùdhaven, and Dick was quoted saying he didn't think he would be a good choice." Tim said, walking out.

"Do you know where he is to pick him up?"

"Demonspawn's working on it...." he stopped for a moment, "I just realized what a poor decision that was."

"We need to find him before Damian does," Dick said, panic in his voice.

"He's been passed out in the middle of the dance floor for quite some time now." Barbra said, coming outside, "a bunch of teens noticed him get knocked out by a flying phone. None of them were sure what to do so they just decided to start Fortnite dancing with lemons in a circle around him."

"No one was even drunk at that point, who would have just flung their phone?"

"No clue, but they threw it hard enough to knock him out so they must have flung it pretty hard."

Please leave a like and comment to thank me for being stupid! It isn't easy.

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