Extended Stay

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Pizza for breakfast! How uh.. radical!! 
You quickly ate the pizza, as if your life depended on it. 
"Slow down honey, you're going to choke" your mom stated, rubbing her temple. She seemed stressed, but you couldn't quite tell why. Her hair was all frizzy, because of the drive and she hadn't been able to redo her perm. She looked like something was on her mind. 
You stared at the stage, wishing you could see Fredbear and his friend perform, because it must be really cool. You finished the slice of pizza, and noticed your mom hadn't even touched hers. 
You took another slice, not wanting to bother her about it. You only managed to eat half before you were full. 
"I have to make a call really quick about a reservation, I saw a pay phone outside, stay here and I'll be back okay?"

You sat, watching as your mom got up and walked out the door.
You looked around the room, kicking your feet in your chair in boredom. You noticed more guests had gone in than before. You desperately wanted to get up and maybe talk to someone or make a friend, but you had to stay where you were seated like you were asked. 
You noticed a tall man wearing an employee outfit walking towards the area, with a short boy peering from behind him. You stared as you saw him turn around and say something to the boy who looked frightened, then promptly walk through one of the big red doors nearby with large writing on it, leaving the boy behind. 

The boy looked around your age, with kind-of dark brown hair, a black shirt with two simplistic grey stripes on it and jean shorts. He seemed to be peering at the stage then back at the floor nervously, standing with a quiet and gloomy demeanor. He was relatively close by, and you were interested with why he was with a worker. You took a quick glance around the room, then stared at him a while longer, considering approaching him. The curtains on the stage moved slightly and he looked panicked, you watched as he looked behind himself then forwards then back again before climbing underneath an empty table. 

He had a stuffed animal of the bear clutched in his hand, and seemed to be looking down at it. The bears eyes were black, which was strange because the other plushies of it you saw earlier had normal blue eyes. It seemed like the eyes were just a white dot, looking up at him. Without thinking twice, allowing your curiosity to get ahold of you, you got up and walked towards where he was "hiding".

He quickly turned to face you, and then sighed in relief having his eyes closed for a brief moment allowing himself to calm down. It seemed as though you startled him. He looked at you in a confused manner, so you thought now would be the time that you should introduce yourself. "Hello! My name's (Y/N), I just saw you looked scared are you ok?"
The boy sniffled and slightly smiled at you. "Most people just call me Crying Child or Crybaby... well.. everyone does.. except for my dad." 
"oh come on, you have to have an actual name! I'm not going to call you that!" 
He seemed to have brightened up a bit after he realized you weren't going to immediately pick on him like most other people. "Well, my name is Evan.. Nice to meet you (Y/N)!" He smiled, an actual smile this time.

You knelt down and scooted under the table across from him. You decided that now would be the time to bombard him with your questions. "Hey, why are you hiding under here in the first place?" He got all quiet and looked down at his stuffed animal, he furrowed his brow a little before relaxing his face again. "Sorry if that's a mean question.. I didn't mean for it to be!" you stated reassuringly. "..promise you won't laugh at me, or-... pick on me for it?" he asked somberly, still staring down at his Fredbear plush. You looked at him confused, but realized the question was genuine. "Ofcourse I won't, silly!" you giggled at him, trying to make light of the question and avoid awkwardness. You didn't inquire further for a reason as why he would ask that, because of his earlier statement, you had an idea. 
"Well... I.."  He'd sigh "I saw something one day... something I wasn't supposed to see- and, now they're after me!" He'd blurt out, as if that's something he wanted to get off of his chest for a while. "Huh... who's after you?" You asked, confused on who he could be talking about. He'd glance at the showstage and then look into your eyes, "Them.. I know.. it sounds crazy, you don't have to believe me.." He'd frown and set his Fredbear plush on the ground beside himself "Fredbear helps me though, he warns me and helps me avoid them. He disappears at night though.. when I need him the most." He'd rub his other arm with his hand, you pondered for a moment, processing everything he just said. "So, the bear and the bunny behind the stage are after you? and your plushie helps you from them?" you didn't believe him, but didn't want to be rude because he seemed really nice! a part of you felt bad for him, so you thought maybe it would be more believable if he explained. 

Instead of explaining however, his eyes started to water, tears swelling up. He covered his eyes, trying to prevent it from happening. In this moment you understood the foul nicknames he had been given, but you only felt bad for him rather than anything else. Your face had a sort of shocked expression, you didn't quite know what to do, you didn't mean to make him cry! You reached out and put your hand on his shoulder. He wasn't quite crying yet, he just had tears still in his eyes not managing to break loose. "Hey Hey, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to upset you-.." You said softly, trying to reassure him. You decided to lie. "I do believe you! I just, wanted to know more so it would make more sense. I am new here, it's my first day." Well... it wasn't entirely a lie at least. Sometimes a small fib is worth it to help a situation. He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears, and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry ... I just... It's hard to explain. They follow me home, but its not just Fredbear, its Freddy Bonnie Chica and Foxy too. They come after me at night, and when they see me here in the day, too. I'm scared, I don't want to get caught! If I get caught they'll kill me! and I am always forced to come here.." He choked up a bit after he finished speaking, seeming absolutely genuine and terrified. It didn't quite make sense, but a lot of things don't make sense, so you decided to go with it. You saw how bad it was bothering him so you thought to maybe change the topic and ask him about it some other time, if you saw him again. You were wondering who the other random names he mentioned were, but decided not to press it at the moment until he calmed down. "Thats horrible.. at least you have your Fredbear though right? he is very cute, he's different from the other ones I have seen here!"  You smiled at him, hoping that would work to fix the subject. He nodded and then explained, "My father gave him to me, he said he was special, and he is- he speaks to me. He's one of my friends, well, my best friend. I know how crazy I sound.. well, I haven't really told anyone else he talks though.."  You nod and remove your hand from his shoulder, having forgot it was there. "Well.. I think that's awesome! Who wouldn't want a stuffed animal that talks!"

Suddenly, you realized quite some time has passed since you were under this table with Evan, and remembered what your mother had told you. 'Stay here'. Oh no...

Evan seemed to have noticed the panic on your face, and stared at you curiously, "Is something wrong?.." he asked in a worried tone. "I'm sorry Evan- I have to go before my mom notices I have left-" without elaborating further, you slid from under the table and ran back to your own. Your mother appears to have not come back yet? You wanted to make sure and check on her, so you went towards the entrance and out of the door, walking past the other rowdy kids and distracted parents. You looked to where the pay phone was, and nobody was there. Your breathing quickened, getting nervous on where she could possibly be if she wasn't at the table and wasn't at the payphone... 'what if shes looking for me?' you thought, which was rational- she could have came back inside and noticed you have left so she went around to look for you. You walked back inside, it was much louder than before, the diner filled with the voices of other customers immersed in conversation as well as the tunes from various different arcade games mixing together.. and the faint background music playing over various speakers placed around the restaurant. It was all too loud, it was starting to drown out your thoughts, anxiety overwhelming you and smothering you. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, as you ran from the entrance, to the main dining room, to the game room. Nowhere. 

You ran down a very short hallway, to a room with an emergency exit and two other doors, bathroom doors. Although you couldn't read very well, you could tell which was which due to the little symbols on the outside. You decided to check the women's bathroom as a last resort. The bathroom well... was a public bathroom.. 2 stalls were open and 2 stalls were closed, the mirrors had sharpie writing next to them as well as on the stall doors, and there were some napkins on the floor from the machine next to the sink. A woman walked in, placed her bag on the sink, and took out lipstick. You were just standing in the corner by the overfilled trashcan that must have not been emptied in a while, and she turned to you while applying her lipstick. 
"Are you okay sweetie? what are you doing?" She spoke to you, but you just stared for a moment.. a toilet flushed loudly and a woman walked out of one of the stalls, washing her hands and promptly leaving while you responded in an unsure tone"I'm okay miss.. thank you" you didn't want to tell her the embarrassing truth. "Okay, well the other stalls are open if you need to use them?" she stated in a overly-nice tone that sounded fake.. like when you are ordering food at a restaurant. 
"I know!" You said louder than you meant to, it kind of just escaped your mouth, you didn't say it rudely but the volume you said it in startled you. 
"Y/N? Is that you?" a familiar voice asked from inside the one closed stall, your mother walked out. It seemed she wasn't even using the restroom? you were confused why she was in there. "Oh!" you tried not to show your relief and excitement, disregarding the earlier fact "Hey Mom, I thought you were outside using the payphone?" she smiled at you slightly and shook her head, "You silly, I was I just had to use the restroom for a moment. Are you ready to go?" You frowned and thought about it for a second, you knew whatever you said probably wouldn't change the outcome, something like a 'rhetorical question'? whatever, but this was just parents way of letting you know we are going to leave.. but you had to try.

"I'm not ready to go yett.. Mooom please can we stay a little while longer! I really want to see Fredbear perform! And I've made a frie-" you stopped yourself because that would give yourself away.. She looked at her wristwatch and stated "We have already been here for two hours, we were supposed to be here for only about 30 minutes" The woman that was doing her makeup had been silent ever since your mom started talking to you, and finally walked out. "I know but they look really cool! Please, can we stay for the show?" You spoke back, and she sighed "We have somewhere to be, I have stuff to do, we just moved here. I will take you back tomorrow how does that sound?"
You knew there was no use in arguing, you gave in and walked out with your mom, rolling your eyes when you were out of her view.  You wished you could tell Evan goodbye.

[[ Authors Note: ]] 

Hey guys! I was going to originally have this scene play out as YO MAMA .... ahem.. looking for you at the same time you were looking for her, and eventually running into each other. But I have a bit of a different idea for the plot. As always, what would you like to see from this story? anything specific? any suggestions? would be really appreciated to help me make it better for you! thanks. 

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