A brand new start

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July 8th, 1983. 

you smelled the crisp cool air coming from the small crack in between the window and the top of the cars door frame. It was late at night and you had woken up due to there being a sudden light source compared to the almost absolute darkness only a few minutes prior. Your mom always drove more towards the afternoon time when moving, sleeping most of the day of the drive. Wasn't it because it would be less boring or something? because you'd be asleep during a large part of the drive? that's what you assumed. Your mom had already given you a reasoning beforehand but you'd simply forgotten.  
As you noticed the car came to the stop, it seemed as if you had pulled into a large gas station of some sort. There were a lot of big trucks, which was really really cool! Your mom noticed you were awake and asked if you needed to have a bathroom break, which you didn't. Your mom left you in the car while she went out to get gas or snacks or something? you weren't sure. 
Slowly but surely, you drifted back off to sleep. 


You awoke to warm humid air this time, with the bright sun shining in your eyes immediately when you opened them. You yawned and attempted to stretch, you were surrounded by luggage however feeling a bit cramped. "Mooom... are we almost there yet...?" you inquired, genuinely wondering this time. "Yes we are, I'm just looking for a place to go get some breakfast. This map doesn't seem to help much with that, so if you spot a place on the way tell me." your mother responded, in a slightly agitated tone. She had a large unfolded paper map on the passenger seat beside her, on top of some bags that were also on the seat. After some normal shenanigans like asking your mom to turn up the radio and kicking the back of the seat in boredom, you saw a bright blue restaurant with a cute yellow bear on the outside!  You quickly got your moms attention towards it and begged her to go there, you just had to!! After some persistent begging, your mom decided 'why not'. Once you pulled in, your mom opened the car door to let you out and firmly grabbed your hand so you wouldn't run away in excitement. When you walked through the two big red doors the bear was pointing into, you were met with a worker at the front desk. 

"Hello and welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner! How may I help you on this lovely morning? Feel free to look over the menu as long as you need before I get you seated." the worker exclaimed, putting on a very over enthusiastic smile. You looked at the menu but couldn't really read it. You noticed that it was "Pizza" though, you knew what that was. "Oh great.. we are going to have pizza for breakfast.. how 'wonderful'." your mother muttered under her breath. You noticed that behind the counter there were lots and lots of toys!! but before you could open your mouth to say anything about them, it was as if the worker read your mind. "We also have a wide selection of merchandise that can be either earned or bought, as you can see behind me. We have some arcade games to purchase these with tickets, but also have cash options. Would purchasing tokens to play the arcades be something you're interested in?" the worker stated in a more monotone voice this time, most likely noticing your mothers demeanor. You tried to read the workers badge, but couldn't. it was all smudgy. you think it started with the letter "H" though. You really wanted some toys or to play some games, so you shook your mothers arm and begged her, even with the pretty please, but she STILL said no! how mean.. Your mother ordered a small pizza and you wanted a milkshake as well but she said something about "too much sugar".  

You walked into the main room took a seat near a stage. You wondered what the stage was for, since the curtains were closed. The restaurant didn't have that many other people, it looked like it just opened. You impatiently sat in your chair, kicking your feet in boredom. Why did everything have to take so long? why couldn't we just get the pizza right now? it's not like there was that many other people here anyway. You asked your mom to go up to the stage, to which she responded "sure have fun, just don't do anything you know you're not supposed to." so, it was a yes! finally you were about to embark on a new adventure, even if it was going to be a short one. You quickly scooted out of your chair not bothering to push it back in and ran up to the stage as fast as you could. You examined it from the bottom up, the stage itself had a lighter brown color at the bottom then a top piece that was a darker brown. The curtains were red. You lifted the bottom of the curtain up just enough to where you could peek your head inside... and inside you saw two figures. It was dark behind the curtain, so you couldn't see them perfectly, but you saw what seemed to be a big bear with a hat and a bunny. You immediately recognized the bear as the one outside,.. "Fredbear".. but you didn't know the bunny. You recalled seeing toys of the bear and the bunny at the front though, as well as a bunch of other characters you didn't recognize nor see behind the stage. 

You put the curtain back down, seeing all you had to see. You pondered a name for the bunny, he couldn't just go nameless. You decided to go back to the front and ask the worker. As you walked back to the front, not as in a rush this time, you took a second to soak in the atmosphere of the place. The walls had a bunch of different shades of grey, all in the same repeated pattern with posters and drawings plastered all over them as well as streamers. The place smelled like food but also like cleaning supplies. You assumed that made sense cause.. the place probably just now opened. It was pretty early. Like 7 or 8? as you stepped off the carpet of the main room and onto the tile of the entrance area you snapped out of your thoughts. You ran up to "Mr. H" the worker man you saw earlier, and asked him about the characters behind the stage. "Hey sir! I saw there was a stage and I looked and there's a bear and a bunny, who is the bunny? and why is the curtain closed?" the worker looked up from the stack of papers he had on the desk beside the cash register and some random monitors. "Oh! Those are our mascots Fredbear and his pal Springbonnie. They come out and put on shows for everyone, as well as walk around to talk with you guys. They are behind the curtain right now because they are sleeping.. they have a big show later today!" he answered in a very nice tone, to which you thanked him and ran off back to your mom because you had a sudden idea.  

"Where were you?! The pizza got here I looked for you and you weren't at the stage!"  it looked like you made her mad.. you saw a cut up pizza on a big grey plate thing on the table and your mom standing up with her chair pushed out. She quickly calmed down and apologized for her loud tone of voice saying about how she was worried about you and to not run off again. "I just wanted to ask the worker man about the bunny behind the stage... I'm sorry mom.." you replied.
"It's okay I just got worried about you okay? next time please just ask me before you just- run off" you felt a little guilty and looked down at the table, but also quickly noticed how starving you were and went on to eat a slice of pizza. 

Authors Note:
Holy cow, 1391 words? I think that's a good start to the story! 
I tried making a little introduction and background to get a feel of the characters before just shoving you with the other. . . . . main cast. . . .  which I will be doing in the next part, don't worry.
As I said though this is my first time writing so I would be grateful for absolutely any suggestions! I am sorry if this seems a little boring. I tried to make it seem as if I were writing in the point of view of a well.. 8 year old. But please, any suggestions you have about my writing would be super duper appreciated! Like more dialogue? faster pacing? all that jazz. I will be adding pictures and stuff later as well, for now I am just trying to set it up.

1983 || Crying Child  x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن