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❊𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻-𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰  𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼❊

Almost everything was quiet as Zaytxe walked through the exotic plants in the dense Pandora jungle

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Almost everything was quiet as Zaytxe walked through the exotic plants in the dense Pandora jungle. The only noise that could be heard was the rustling leaves from the tall trees that covered the dark skyes and the chatter that the small animals would make.

The short grass lit up under her feet as she enthusiastically strolled to get to her much needed destination. She would always go there when life as a hunter got too stressful or the pressure got to her at any moment.

Zaytxe finally stopped once she saw the vibrant-colored vines covering what she knew as the entrance to her favourite hideout. When she walked inside it seemed as if all her worries washed away and were taken by the light breeze that brushed passed her and made her braids slighly move.

Finding said hideout was a mistake made by Zaytxe when she was much younger and wanted to track down some prey she had set her eyes on, but not too surprisingly she lost track of time and it was already too late to head back home. This occurred before Zaytxe had gotten the idea to bring her Ikran with her when she was exploring new territory which meant she didn't have any quick way to get back home. In the end she was able to seek refuge in the secure cave she was now in and then headed home in the morning. Sadly the joy on her face when she wanted to tell her older sister Nayail about it, quickly washed away after the long reprimand she got from her parents after almost scaring them to death when she disappeared.

Time passed by as Zaytxe lied down on the grassy floor of the cave and listened to the noises within it, how the drops of water would fall into a small puddle that had formed in the back of the cave and how even her breathing that was quiet enough now sounded as loud as possible, which seemed impossible since from a young age silencing her breathing was one of the things she learnt to be a better hunter. It was now time to leave the cave, which lead to her saying a quick "Goodbye" towards it. Even though it was a cave and not a person, she felt thankful for all the times she had gone there to relax .

Her journey towards where she had left her Ikran was short and fast compared to what the ride home would finally be. Keo was waiting for Zaytxe patiently as she reached for her head and petted her, shortly after she connected her queue with Keo's she took off to arrive as soon as possible back home to get her well-deserved rest. The wind had picked up as she glided on Keo's back, instructing her through every turn and direction, which ruffled her hair since she had forgotten to tie her braids into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in her face if she had to run or was facing the wind backwards.

The lights inside the hollow floating base flickered as she landed and disjoined her queue with her Ikran, shortly after, Keo flew towards the other Ikrans to rest with them; Zaytxe watching intently in the same spot from from where she dismounted and later heading towards her family to eat something and then go to sleep.

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