Well we know that much isn't true if it really is Typhon out there. Do you know anything else about him?

Gabrielle looked back at the wall paintings as she searched her memories for the rest of what she had heard.

Okay according to this Typhon once attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos. The two fought in a cataclysmic battle, which Zeus finally won with the aid of his lightning bolts.

That god and his lightning. Anything else?

Only that once he was defeated, Typhon was cast into Tartarus and that's where he's supposed to have been imprisoned ever since.

Xena looked at the paintings.

If what you said is true, then Typhon has some how escaped from Tartarus. But now the question is how? And why's he living in this forest?

And why is this painting here?

Just when we figure out one thing, we get a bunch more questions.

Xena turned and began walking back towards the cave entrance.

Come on.

Gabrielle followed.

Where are we going?

I'm done running. Now that I think I know who we're dealing with here, it's time to give that sadistic bastard a one way trip back to Tartarus.

Xena and Gabrielle made their way back out of the cave.

Why couldn't we just wait out the rest of the night in the cave?

You don't really believe that if we make it until dawn Typhon is actually gonna let us go do you?

Fair point.

Ah you really are a smart one aren't you?

Xena hastily put Gabrielle behind her as she drew her sword. She looked around as she handed Gabrielle the torch.

Okay enough of this. We know who you are, so why don't you just show yourself already.

Ah yes that painting. The work of one of my previous victims. Apparently it's supposed to serve as some kind of warning. But I suppose it doesn't really matter if you know who I am or not. I won't affect the outcome of this game either way.

Xena and Gabrielle watched as a large serpent like creature with arms and wings came into the light from the torch.

Typhon I presume.

The creature chuckled as it rose up and looked down at them.

That's right. Now shall we resume our little game?

Xena scowled at Typhon.

I think it's time to send you back to Tartarus.

Typhon laughed.

You're more than welcome to try. You wouldn't be the first. And you certainly won't be the last.

Oh I'll be the last.

Xena rushed towards Typhon as she swung her sword. Typhon swiped at her,  but Xena blocked. He tried to grab her, Xena quickly moved out of his reach. Or at least that's what she thought until the tail end of Typhon's snake body whipped around and smacked into her. Xena flew through the air and landed on the ground a few feet away.


Gabrielle ran at Typhon holding her staff ready. The creature raised his arm and swatted Gabrielle away. His claws ripping open her flesh as she too was launched through the air and hit a tree before landing on the ground.


Xena angerly yelled as she got up and charged back in at Typhon. As she ran the creature swung his claws at her. Xena held up her sword and blocked his strike just in time. She pushed his hand back and swung her blade cutting Typhon's chest. He let out an angry roar as he began to rapidly swipe at Xena. She blocked all of his shots gradually stepping back as Typhon advanced towards her. But she was holding her own against the monster. That is until out of nowhere, using his tail again, Typhon hit Xena unexpectedly. She was knocked to the ground. Xena was getting back up when she felt something wrap around her waist. She looked down and saw Typhon's tail snaking around her. Xena quickly reached down to pry Typhon off of her, but as she did her arms were then wrapped up and trapped. Typhon laughed as he lifted a captured Xena into the air and began to constrict around her body. Squeezing her tightly. Xena yelled in pain as she felt herself being Squeezed. But she was unable to do anything. Typhon laughed as he continued to squeeze.

Too bad, it looks like this is where you lose.


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