I didn't know where I was going I was just running. occasionally a branch wiping at my skin and I ignored the searing pain and then my legs screaming out to stop but I didn't. well... not until the thunder struck the tree and my whole body stopped and my ears rung and I ran to the nearest shelter I could... the mansion in the middle of the forest.

Just stories I had told myself just stories...

I opened the door my hands shaking the rain still running down my face. I didn't know what to do I just let myself in and sat by the door. it was dark but a single torch lay lit in the corner. fear causing me to sweat and I pushed myself up against the door further as I heard footstep... human.

holding my breath as the footsteps grew closer and I found myself paralysed with fear.

"someone there" a warm voice said. I tried to hide in the shadows but I couldn't escape the light as eyes shined at me from the night. "there you are" the voice said.

my heart racing as I edged away from those eyes who seemed to straight through me and then I bumped into something looking up another set of eyes looked down on me looking straight through me just as the others had. I jumped

"oh he's cute" the eyes said.

i shuffled away and then I bumped into another his eyes even more intense than the other "I don't know" he said.

"I'm sorry it was raining please don't kill me I will leave right now I wont tell anyone" I pleaded and he picked me off the floor.

his eyes glowing a crimson red that turned my blood cold and I shivered "please.... please don't kill me" I begged.

"who said we were going to kill you" he smirked.

"Ya! Minho you know you shouldn't play with you food" one of them shouted.

Minho smirked wider "but its fun".

"put him down!" a new person appeared his eyes shining much brighter than any of theirs and Minho dropped me to the ground.

"sorry" he said bowing on one knee.

"take the child to the living room! he has been the one we have waited for!" he screamed.

there eyes changed from hunger to curiosity and fear still laying heavily upon me I struggled to stand.

gentle hand picked me up "it will be okay don't worry" he said his voice gentle and soothing he was new as well.

they sat me in a room full of books and a single TV in the middle with a large sofa and two matching sofas adjacent from one another. they all found their places and then they looked at me.

"he isn't much is he?" one said.

"silence" another said his voice stern and I shivered again.

"He's cold get him something warm" another said and one of them got up and returned with a change of clothes and a blanket.

one of them took my hand "follow me" he said his voice calming. I followed and we went into a room and he stood behind the door and I changed and then I followed him back to the living room he took my wet clothes and tossed them into the fire.

"now that is sorted we should introduce ourselves" he said.

"I am onew the head of this household" he said he was the one with the brightest eyes and I could see by how they feel silent at his very word he was in power.

"I'm Taemin" the one with the calm voice smiled.

"I'm Minho" the one who smirked often said.

"I'm key" the boy who i had first saw said.

"I'm Jonghyun" and lastly the boy who i had bumped into.

"you need to listen it was destiny that you are here" Onew said his voice serious and sharp.

"what... what do you mean" I said my words stumbling over one another.

"you have been in my dreams and you have a power within you that will create great magnificence and great distraction" he said his words becoming bitter to even himself "You son of Shia have a destiny that will change who you are. will you accept it" he asked..

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