Waking up.

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*Olivia's POV*

I woke up on the dirty mattress, my hands are tied behind my back and I hear a familiar voice whispering my name.....Its Elliott.

Liv? * He whispers* are you okay?

Why do you care Elliott? I mean I was kidnapped, so am I? * Tries to get up*

*He sighs* Liv, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier, I was just shocked that you were back. Liv stop, your going to struggle and hurt yourself plus I think he is right outside.

*tries to get out of her restraints* El, We have to get out of here.

I know Baby...I mean Liv.... uhmmmm yeah I agree but if we try to escape he might hurt you.

unless he's gay, then its all you *Smirks*

Liv, Do you get gay vibe off of me? * looks at her seriously*

Would it matter if I did?

No, I guess not.... Liv?


Imma get you outta here alive. I promise, even if I don't make it out of here alive you will. * he says tearing up*

El...Don't say that we will both make it out alive, El you have to.. your kids need you.

Liv... I dont have any "kids" anymore I don't have a wife either.

What do you mean? what happened?

Kathy was a drunk driver & and she had all the kids with her, head on collision and a car hit the left side.... * looks away* killed them on impact.

I'm sorry El.. I didn't know.... No. Liv its fine, I'm not upset about kathy, we were divorced so she didn't matter but the kids were a different story.

*they hear foot steps*

*liv gasps*

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