She's Gone.

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*Olivia's POV*

I came running out of the 1-6 crying, upset, torn. I cant believe the love of my life, my best friend just told me he didnt want me in his life, I wanted to run... Run away from this place... but when I started to run, Something grabbed me & made me drop my phone. Then there was hands placed over my eyes and they smelled like copper and hands around my waist... I was so confused, I didnt know what was going on. the next thing I know I was hit in the back of the head.

-2 hours later-

I wake up in this blackened room, and its practically empty except for a bed, a chair and a tub. I have no idea where I am or who was with me. I could feel them breathing on the back of my neck but I was to scared to move. My breathing got harder, it was getting tougher to stay still. but I realized there was restraint like handcuffs around my hands which was bonded to the back of the hard cold metal chair and my feet were duck taped together.. I was definitely kidnapped. but the only thing I'm worried about is if El has found my phone but he probably doesn't care, I mean he said so him self. He probably wont even try to save me, but that's okay I don't need him, I'm a big girl... I can handle myself.

You do know I can feel your hot sticky breathe on my neck? I asked whoever was breathing on me.

Shut up you bitch! No one said you could speak!

Wow, a bitch? really? a little harsh don't ya think?

Not for the Olivia Benson now shut up!

-she laughs- So you know me? how swell? lets see you could be a sick pervert, a stranger or

-he interrupts her-

Elliotts next you bitch, I told you to shut the hell up! You will pay for not listening. - hits her in her head-

*Sound of her hitting the floor*

-he laughs- your my bitch now.

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