Fleeting seasons and empty promises

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Chapter song: Samuel Kim - Glassy sky (cover) 


The dead of the night always entranced you.

In the Underground, the only difference between day and night was the absence of the few rays of light that managed to dig their way through the thick dirt. When the flames in the lanterns became brighter and livelier, that's when you knew darkness had fallen over the surface.

No matter how much you enjoyed the light and warmth from the sun seeping into your skin, your eyes, used only to the obscurity of the shadows, couldn't endure the burn from the sunshine for too long. If you bore it a little longer, you may have gotten used to it.

However, there was no point in doing that. Darkness was the only place you returned to at the end of the day.

But the night sky was different.

Only lit enough to recognize your surroundings, the clouds shifted and unveiled the moon, allowing you to admire the cloak of twinkling lights above you. With no searing pain in your eyes.

Laying on your back, hands clasped across your stomach and breathing even, you couldn't help but compare the sky to the glittering surface of a snowy lake. Of course, you only had a vague idea of what a lake looked like, not to mention how ice and snow felt like.

The earth was a good insulator, someone had told you once. That was why you couldn't feel the seasons, the way people from the surface felt them.

You had no idea what an insulator meant. You didn't even care.

You just wished you could've felt the blistering heat of the summer for once too, or the way your fingertips and nose would freeze in the frosty cold of the winter. Laying in the fresh grass of spring, or taking a nap covered in scarlet autumn leaves, sounded like a fun time as well.

Was it your mother who taught you these things?

You couldn't remember.

A stabbing pain pierced through your chest. Breath cut short by the sudden coughing fit, your hand unconsciously covered your mouth.

You knew it was pointless.

Your entire trembling body was enough proof of that, damp temples and lungs fighting. The air felt as dense as water, until a long, shuddering breath finally put an end to your misery.

You did know it was pointless. However, you were still not ready to face the fresh stain of blood in the middle of your palm.

Dread curdled in your stomach again at the sight of it. Clenching your fist until your knuckles bled white, unparalleled curses rolled off your lips.

You sensed his presence before you heard him. You were quick to wipe your bloody hand against the ground. Too quick to hide your weakness.

Gravel crunched under his feet and made a wash of goosebumps spread down your arms. He was the only one to search for you here.

The Waterfall was a popular location for the members of the gang. Maybe surprising to some, thugs also needed a quiet place to relax from time to time.

Yet you never told anyone this was the place you retreated to whenever life became too much. When surviving sometimes sounded like too much of a hassle.

"It's so weird, isn't it?" you softly said, hand raising towards the sky. Your fingers spread and reached out, shadows shifting in your eyes.

"What is?" Levi asked, his form still, just outside the edges of your vision.

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