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Still Tuesday
June 7, 2022

Your eyes went wide like a deer in headlights. You'd forgotten all about it. And you were drunk so what if you sounded like shit?

Your hand flew over your mouth. Eren grinned assuming that you probably felt the same way he'd feel if he recorded himself drunk.

"You sounded perfect, don't worry." He pushed air out his nose for a laugh & rose his hand.

But Sasha said he only lies when necessary... would this be one of those times?

"Your lyrics.." he sipped his wine, "was that a freestyle?" He pointed using the same hand he held the glass with.

The question came unexpectedly or maybe it was just something about how direct it was. Your pretty brown eyes fell to your plate, hearing scraped as you forked some pasta around the fork.

"Um.. what if it was, hypothetically speaking," your shoulders dropped, "wooould that be bad thing?" You answered quietly.

His eyebrows curled like he was confused by the question. He shook his head while setting his glass back down & leaned back in his chair, "No.. well not to me."

"..what did you think about it?" Your eyes wander back up to his.

He searched around the table for the right way to communicate what he wanted to say. "I think... I think you're heartbroken. I think whatever you went through however long ago still sits with you today. And while... maybe your music might be a good way to channel that grief... you don't really seem to be processing it. You just.. don't really seem to be over it... s'that right?"

You could feel a tiny ball form in your throat, the kind that occurs when you felt an intense wave of sadness. As much as you hated it, Eren was right.

You weren't over what happened to you and it wasn't because you didn't wanna be.. it was more because you didn't know how to be. How do you forgive someone who took all of you & threw it away like it was nothing?

They don't sell the answer at a store & like you said, therapy isn't cheap. But since people have to inevitably face their feelings one way or another, weed & music was there for you until you could successfully bury it away again.

"But while I was listening, I couldn't help but think..." he continued, though the look on his face read as slightly irritated. "I'm not really sure what kinda asshole could have someone like you in his grasp and still manage to let you slip away but I want you to know that's never gonna be me. I may not be able to stop what you feel right now but for as long as I am alive, nobody will ever get away with making you feel like this again."

His thumb slowly brushed back & forth on your hand, he looked down for a moment before he continued,

"I realize that you've been through a lot and maybe music is like your home for expressing how you feel but... I'll be that too." He placed a tattooed hand on his chest, "Let me be your home if you ever feel like you have nowhere to go when you feel that way... I... I wanna be there for you.. "

His face grew more & more red the longer he went on & by the time he finished his eye contact had found its way back to the table. He scratched his head wondering if he sounded like an idiot.

Your chest lightly rose and fell as you reflected his words and actions. Eren obviously wasn't used to being vulnerable, he was visibly uncomfortable but still felt the need to say all that anyway. All for you.

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