CHAPTER XXXI: The Conflict's Apprehension

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After realizing that Price and Alejandro were missing, both Gaz and Graves were panicked to their cores. The realization of the two men being missing was both a shock to Ghost, but even more so to the other two – because they didn't expect the whole ordeal to take two of their highest-ranked men. Especially Graves, because unlike Gaz – he was more affected due to the fact that Gryffin Santiago can do all of this.

This makes the man curious on who Gryffin Santiago actually is, because such a powerful individual can take Alejandro, and most importantly, Price – who is a captain. It isn't easy to raid and capture such a base with a strong individual in it, but the mischief had other plans that just so happens to work. This not only makes Graves curious about the whole incident, but all he could of think of is Nikolais being involved in it.

He knew that Nikolais knew this "Gryffin Santiago" enemy, but the fact that he specifically told him that he was in the process of raiding the base gave a shiver through his spine, but leaves him with so many questions.


After talking in the infirmary for some time, Ghost had finally gained the opportunity to open both Graves and Gaz to a little approach that had been in his mind after being entranced in the middle of most conversations between the three.

"I have an approach to how we can get back both Price and Alejandro." Ghost was very straightforward about his statement, and was using the captain's name as a way of being serious about his regards, but it seemed so informal.

"And how exactly are we going to get them back? This... Gryffin guy is proving himself to be a nuisance."

"I knew you would ask that, Gaz.",

"Mmm... Well, I've done some work on my own too when Graves had been assigned to investigate the pressure on the desert."

Just hearing that made Graves internally nervous. The man knew exactly what Ghost did just by analyzing his statements, and so he just took a deep breath and leaned backwards, as if he's bracing for impact.

Ghost alternating his vision from Gaz to Graves as he sees the man lean backwards from the corner of his eye. That was the immediate green light for him, because he now had the knowledge that Graves knew where he was also going with his sentiments.

"I've been watching you, Graves." He decided not to take it any further because that wasn't the original choice of words that would've came out of his mouth. He had changed it as soon as he saw Graves relax.

"You know somebody from that base, do you?"

Just by hearing that, Gaz spun his posture to turn towards Graves, now being concerned at what kind of knowledge he had heard from Ghost.

"Graves?" He calls out his name, the tone asking in question because he wanted confirmation.

"...His name is Enzo, an- enemy who bears the commander rank."

Those lies that came out of his mouth were poison – it wasn't true at all. He knew that his old friend wasn't a bad person or anything- but Graves never revealed Nikolais' real name, because he didn't want him to feel disrespected. Warm.

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