The Perfect Girl (England x Reader)

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Hey everybody! I want you guys to know that this is my very first Hetalia fanfic. So hopefully you guys like it and make sure to follow me to see any posts about this book and when other books come out!

Also advanced apology if I made any grammar or punctuation errors. I did try to fix all of them, but I've might of missed some.



Things you should know:

(F/n): First name
(M/n): Middle Name { if you have one }
(L/N): Last name
(H/l): Hair length
(H/c): Hair color
(E/c): Eye color
(F/c): Favorite color
(F/d): Favorite drink
(S/c): skin color
~~~~= time skip
/\/\/\/= start of chapter
<><>= different Pov
*= end of authors note

If there's something else, I'll add it in. Hope you enjoy! ^^


Arthur's Pov

"Arthur!" I groaned and covered my face with my extra pillow. "Dude, you better wake up! You only have an hour to get ready for school!" My eyes shot open and I jumped out of bed.

"I-I'm up! Go feed Matthew!"

"Don't worry, leave that to the hero!" I heard him zoom downstairs yelling for his brother.

"It seems like I can't sleep in just for one second." I rushed into the bathroom and took a warm shower. After wrapping a towel around my waist, I went back into my bedroom and pulled out my school uniform from my dresser and got dressed.

After getting dressed, I did my hair and went downstairs. I could tell my two brothers were awake by how loud Alfred was talking. Even though not hearing Matthew, I did hear his pet polar bear, Kumajiro, ask who he was.

I walked into the kitchen to see my brothers enjoying their breakfast, and when I say breakfast, I mean Alfred eating McDonalds and Matthew eating the left over poutine from last night. Not wanting any breakfast of my own, I just decided to have some tea.


"Hurry it up, dudes!" Alfred called from the bus stop. I sighed and watched as Matthew tried to hurry up for Alfred. I rolled my eyes. Why does he feel like he has to please that child all the time?

I leaned on the stop sign at our bus stop and watched Alfred ranting at Matthew who didn't say a word. I don't how on earth I'm related to those two, especially Alfred.

"Don't you think so to, Arthur?!" Alfred yelled enthusiastically to me. Not even paying attention to what he was talking about, I answered.

"Knowing you, probably not."
A few second later, the bus came along and us three sat somewhere in the middle of the bus.


"Are we there yet?!" Alfred yelled at the bus driver.

"If we hadn't stopped yet, obviously we aren't!" I yelled back.

The bus driver told us to be quiet since the rest of the students were getting a little annoyed. I crossed my arms and looked away from Alfred and to the scenery outside.

It was nice to watch the trees dance past the window as the sun perked it's head up to the sky. It looked so peaceful. But alas, it had to come to an end when the school came into view.

We hopped out of the bus and walked into the school. I sighed and kind of got depressed, knowing that this routine is always the same. Get up, got to school, go home, do homework, sleep, and then do it all over again. Sometimes, I feel like it'll be this way forever and I'll never have a real life or anyone special to share that life with.

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