A Sudden Downfall.

Start from the beginning

Third, Bruce and I finally had our 'talk'. After the attempted robbery, Bruce became rather fond of Loki.According to him, Logan and I are in a committed relationship. If only he knew, I mentally snorted. 

Fourth, after much studying for my finals (which consisted of locking myself in my room and sending Loki with Thor), I graduated university. I finally have my masters and can now work officially at S.H.I.E.L.D as a full time scientist instead of being an intern. I'll go back to school eventually for my PhD, but for now, I want to be free of school.It's all thanks to both Jared's and Bruce's recommendations.

Unfortunately, this meant that I would have to quit my side job at the antique shop.I had no plans today, so I could visit Macy since I haven't seen her since my graduation ceremony. Which I find strange, since no matter what, I always see her at least twice every week. I've only called her, and she's only answered a few times. I figured she was probably busy, though.Loki and I would probably go to the shop later

Lastly, I've been getting these strange calls from an unknown number. I answered every time, and still do, but there is no answer on the other line. One time I heard breathing on the other side and a loud sigh, but other than that, nothing else. For a strange reason, I never told anyone because as much as it sounds creepy, I didn't find the calls strange or suspicious. It was probably just someone calling, expecting someone else and then later finding out that they called the wrong number.

"And that's set," the man huffed, standing up and pulling his pants up. I smiled as I admired my new house phone.  Tony had offered to install one for me, but after finding out that Bruce and him had put a tracking device in my necklace, I declined it.

"Thank you so much!"

"S' not problem, young lady. If there are any more problems, just give us a call and we'll fix it." He said, handing me one of their cards. I nodded, and walked him towards the door.

"Loki!" I gushed, hoping he would come out of his room. He did. He raised an eyebrow at me questioningly, and I happily pointed towards the house phone. "Isn't it awesome!" I beamed.

"You've never used the house phone before it was destroyed...," he trailed off.

"Well, I'll let you know that, that's about to change."

"Sure," he mumbled plopping himself on my couch. He reached the remote control and turned on the T.V, changing it to a channel that specialized in crime and murder shows. Typical, I thought as I scowled at him.

"Geez, you're such a downer," I grumbled. I sat myself next to him, trying to find interest in the show Loki watched. On today’s episode, they were talking about a psycho who abused and later on, killed his spouse.

There was no doubt that he ever loved my sister. Anyone saw that, but where there’s love, came jealously and that’s what took my sister’s life away.” The sister of the victim said, wiping at her eye. She then apologized to the camera for crying and the scene changed into explaining on how the guy murdered his wife. It was in a disgusting, brutal way.

“Can we watch something else?” I complained straight into Loki’s ear. I normally don’t mind watching these shows, but this episode was hitting me in a way it never did. That guy on T.V reminded me of someone who I used to know, and I couldn’t help but imagine him on being of one of these shows.

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