Chapter 26 Stain

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As Stain looks at Izuku like he is trying to Find a way to Kill Izuku 

Stain: Because of the way some citizens,  False Heroes and Some countries around the world see you as nothing more than a Monster Created to be Evil you are thinking Humans are disgusting creatures aren't you

As Izuku closes his Eyes 

Izuku: Yes 

This made everyone Shocked besides Stain as Nejire gies and Grabs Izuku's hand and so does Lady Nagant

Nejire: Izuku you can't think that way

Lady Nagant: He is trying to Turn you evil

Stain: Do not twist my Words to seem like I want him Evil, I just asked a Simple Question

Nejire and Lady Nagant look at Stain then to Izuku as he opens up his eyes 

Izuku: Stain you care for this World still don't you 

The Others look at Stain and think how could this Murderer care for this world as Stain smiles 

Stain: I do even though it Wronged me

Ryukyu, FatGum, Lady Nagant, Nejire and Tamaki just looked at Stain shocked that he said yes

Stain: There are Two sides of Every Story mine, People Think I was Born Evil but I wasn't I was Born to a Loving Family a Mother that Loved me, A Father that would play Catch and teach me stuff, A little Sister that I would protect no matter what, But then it was Taken from me by a Fake Hero who Got Drunk and Broke into my House, Raped my Mom, Killed my Dad and Sister and then Killed my Mom, I was spared because I hide but he didn't get arrest no he got a Rewarded, I tried to expose him but he had to much Money and was Popular, So I tried to Be a Hero myself to Stop Fake Heroes as a Hero but the World took one look at my Quirk and said Villain

The Others just looked at Stain as he she need to talk

Stain: I Protested saying that things need to be changed but everyone said I was Crazy, Then One Night that Same Fake Hero did it again Raped and Killed a Family but this Time I took him out, He was Drunk so he didn't see it Coming, That started my Path on this Road

Izuku: Why Tell us this

Stain: Because Izuku a Single Choice can change everything, I could have taken Pictures and showed the World, But no My Choice was to Kill him, I Love this World Yes but My Anger and my Choice Blinded me from the Beauty that this world still has, I can only see Hatred for Humanity

As Stain walks to the window and looks out to see the Bright Blue Sky as he turns back to Look at Izuku

Stain: I tell you this Izuku because one day you will make a Choice that is similar to the Choice I mean, I just hope hearing My Story will help you make your decision, We Might have had different Back Stories but I do see myself in you Izuku, Thinking you are Lost and alone Not knowing what being Human is but I see 

As Stain looks at the Others still just Watching 

Stain: Unlike me you Still have People in your Life that can show you, Izuku to my Blind eyes of Hatred and Anger you are more Human than I have every been 

As Stain walks to Ryukyu's Desk and pulls out his Sword and puts it on it as he starts putting all his Weapons and Armor on the Desk until he is only wearing Pants and a Dark T-Shirt and then walks up to Ryukyu and gets on his knees 

Stain: I am giving Myself up, Please Lock me up and throw away the key

As the Other are just Shock to the Point that they wonder what the Hell is even reality now as Ryukyu speaks

Ryukyu: Why turn yourself in after all that 

Stain: It was my Destiny to help tip the Balance that is what she told me, And I believe you know what I mean after all she did give you all her Blessing 

As Stain looks at then as he sees their Faces of Pure Shocked as they look at Izuku not paying attention and he was Thinking 

Stain: I may not understand my purpose or if my words have even meant anything or was understandable but She told me that If I tell Izuku and let him read my Thoughts that the World will Change for The Better and That I will finally stop being Blinded by my Anger and Hatred

As Ryukyu noda as he asked Tamaki to get one of the Quirk cancelling cuffs in her desk and bring them to her as he did and Ryukyu arrested Stain as FatGum took him out of the Room but not before Stain said one last Thing 

Stain: Remember my Words Izuku you might not understand them now But I believe you will when you need to make that Choice and I pray you make the Right one, Not just for this World but For yourself

As FatGum took Stain away as Ryukyu, Nejire, Lady Nagant and Tamaki look at Izuku as he looks up 

Izuku "A Choice to make"

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