If life..... :)

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If life threw you lemons would you take it for a joy ride.

If life was crazy would life be just great. If life was full of dramas

when would it be your breaking point the point to where you have a

mental break down. If life was full of smiles would life be full of peace.

If life didn't have embarrassing moments than would life be truly boring. If life

didn't have lust and love would their be less hopeless romantics. If life was cherries

would their be more cheery people. If life was a depression I began to wonder how many

people would try to commit suicide. If life was full of sexual pleasures than would less people feel

lonely. If life was temptations how many people would live hard life's. If life was drugs how many

people would wither a way to nothing but filth. If life was cancer people would realize that cancer kills

and hurts and is unbearable. If life was dancing life would be confident just crazy and full of life.

Life is many things life is amazing in every way even if life becomes those things that seems to make

you or break you...

Pretty please comment vote and fan :).

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