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An emotion is just an emotion. Who could really show care?

An emotion is just emotion right?

Emotions change with time. Life is about emotions but who truly shows emotions now a days?

Emotions tend to stay hidden in feelings that hurt for people to see. Emotions can be felt but whom

Truly wants to be all emotional? Not anyone that I know of. An emotion is hidden behind many different things.

Hidden beneath clothes that someone wares, hidden behind glasses hidden behind a person's Laughter and the way a person smiles. Emotion is everything in life it makes us who we are.

An emotion is just an emotion. Emotions need to be heard opened up and talked about.

Emotions are feelings that tend to stay bottled up but soon come out at the breaking point.

How come not a lot of people care or notice? Emotions are hidden like hidden items in

A time capsule just waiting to be found, waiting to be opened and observed and saved

From all of the bottled up emotions that hurt later in life.

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