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Crying, the tears that seem to keep on falling out of my eyes.

I feel like a train wreck just emotional wishing that I would have

That special someone wishing that I'd feel better hopeful not being

Lost and alone.

Tears that come from my eyes I try so hard to not show, I feel

Like the hot sun melting a Popsicle. My voice quivers when I

Try to speak nothing comes out I just want to cry I

Don't know where I belong and who would truly want someone

Like me I'm different just wishing that I could find that love that

I long for.

Wanting to stop crying it's a pathetic reason to cry just crying

To show an emotion to see how many people care just crying because

Of all the anger and frustration that seems to be bottled up.

Wishing to be noticed wishing for someone to lend me a hand.

Hope gone I can't seem to find wishing that life was easier but

It doesn't seem to be.

Crying doesn't do much it just makes your eyes hurt and makes you

Look sad.

I cried a lot today, lots of things upset me I sit there and wonder

Where my happiness is I just can't seem to find it, it seems to stay

Hidden deep beyond no where its where that the eye can see.

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