Hiding from the Truth

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It was a normal day in Los Volmos. At least it was normal for the Awesome Ones. "Lightning!!" Dan called out."Lightning! Where are you!?" Lia exclaimed before sighing, "Its no use, Dan. We're not going to find him. Let's just go back to Studio D." "Yeah, Dan, if we go back to Studio D, then Lightning will at least know where to find us when he comes back." Shun agreed "Ok sure lets go." Dan said defeated before starting to walk back to Studio D.

"Awesome Ones!" A familiar voice yelled out before they could exit the park. The group turned back around to see who it was. "Emily? Why are you here?" Lia asked the other haos brawler."Is something wrong?" Wynton questioned concerned as he took in her dishevelled appearance and heavy breaths."I... I need your help." She said, looking at Dan, who immediately started worrying.

~At Studio D~

The AO and Emily all sat down on the couches once they were in Studio D. "So, Emily what's wrong? Why do you need our help?" Dan asked curious but also a bit worried about what could possibly be wrong and why she had come to them for help. "Well... it's about Magnus." The black haired answered "What's wrong with Magnus?" Shun questioned "He's been acting... weird." "Weird how?" Lia replied "Well I guess it started when he came home last night. He just seemed... off. I asked him if he was alright but he said he was fine and that he just wanted to go to bed," She explained before pausing.

"So I left him alone since I thought that he was probably just tired. But this morning... He was gone!" Emily exclaimed "What?" They all asked in unison "What do you mean gone, Emily?" Ajit asked her trying to be calm. "He wasn't in his room or anywhere. I even tried calling him but he didn't pick up!" She exclaimed "Maybe he left his phone at home?" Wynton suggested "I checked but his phone wasn't anywhere in his room. That means that he must have ignored my calls! Big brother always answers my calls!" She exclaimed looking on the verge of crying.

"Okay, okay, Emily. Calm down. We'll help you find him!" Shun reassured her smiling "Yeah! Between all of us we can find him in no time." Lia said "Alright! Then lets stop talking about it and find Magnus!" Dan declared determinedly "Uhm guys?" Ajit said "What is it, Ajit?" The AO asked curiously "Uhh, I just remembered that I saw Magnus this morning at the store." The aurelus brawler said "You what?!" Dan exclaimed "Yeah, but then he kind of just stalked out looking annoyed," He added "And kind of nervous?" "What do you mean nervous, Ajit?" Shun asked.

"I don't know just worried I guess." He shrugged "Do you know which way he went?" Emily questioned "Uh, he was going into an alley and looked behind his shoulder before I lost sight of him." Ajit told them all. "And you didn't think that was suspicious at all?" Lia asked "I thought it was very suspicious. That's why I remembered it." The aurelus brawler smiled "Do you guys think that Magnus is in trouble?" Dan asked now very concerned for his crush- FRIEND. "I'm not sure, Dan." Wynton sighed "He's probably fine, Dan!" Shun assured him.

"Yeah! I mean who knows maybe Magnus goes in alleys all the time. Right, Emily?" Lia suggested looking at Emily for reassurance "Well he usually only goes into alleys to meet up with people and get stuff. It could be information or just to buy something." The haos brawler shrugged "Why would he want to buy something though?" Ajit inquired "I don't know. But it could explain why he was in the store. Maybe they were out of something that he wanted to buy so he went to find someone else to buy it from." Wynton theorised putting his hand on his chin.

"But I don't understand what big brother would want to buy. We don't need anything." Emily told them all confused "Well then maybe we should-" Dan started but was cut off by a phone ringing. "Oh! Sorry!" Emily exclaimed taking her phone out of her pocket. She answered the call bringing the phone ip to her ear. "Big brother? Where have you been?" The black haired questioned. The Ao all glanced at each other before getting closer to Emily to try and hear what Magnus was saying "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, Emily. I was... busy." They all heard him hesitate making then even more suspicious.

"Busy with what?" The haos brawler asked "Um it's nothing. I'll be home soon I just need to take care of something." He answered her. After he said that though they all heard heavy breathing and a male voice yell out, "Hurry up!" "I'm coming!" Magnus yelled back "Magnus? Who was that?" Emily questioned concerned "No one important, Emily." He replied "You're not with those people again, are you?" "No, Emily. It's not like that." "Then what is it like?" "It just- nothing's wrong. It doesn't matter. I'll see you at home." And with that the darkus brawler hung up.

Everyone stared at the phone for a second before Dan broke the silence, "What the hell was that?!" "Emily, do you have any idea what he might be doing right now?" Lia asked "No. I have no idea." She answered "I think maybe you should go home and wait for him, Emily." Shun suggested "Yeah, we'll let you know if we see him. Alright?" Wynton added "O-Okay AO. I guess I'll go now then." Emily said sadly before going out of Studio D. "I wonder what Magnus was doing." Ajit thought out loud "Yeah, he sounded like he was running right?" Dan said.

"Yeah." They all replied thoughtfully. The room samk in to silence before the dinging notification of a phone interrupted their thinking. Dan took his phone out of his pocket to see what the noise was about. "What is it, Dan?" Shun asked curious "Uh it's an invitation.. to a party tonight." The pyrus brawler replied "Really?" Wynton said "Yeah. It says its at the bar in town." Dan replied "I wonder why they invited us though." Lia though out loud "Why wouldn't they? We're the Awesome Ones guys! Of course people would want us to come to their party." The red-streaked haired smiled proudly at them.

"Yeah, Dan's right." Ajit agreed "So should we go?" Lia questioned unsure about her friends' enthusiasm "Yeah! Why not? It sounds like fun right?" Dan answered smiling brightly "Sure! Lets do it!" Wynton agreed after being convinced by his best friend "I'm fine with it too." Said Shun kindly "So? Lia? What do you say?" Dan asked looking at the haos brawler "Alright, sure. I'll never say no to a party!" Lia smiled "Ok great! We're doing this!" Dan exclaimed excitedly.

"Alright but first things first. We can't just go like this. We need to go
shopping!" Lia announced "Good idea, Lia." Shun praised his friend "So should we go right now?" Ajit asked "Sure, lets go." Dan answered determinedly "Oh, ok then." Wynton said following everyone out of Studio D and towards the mall.

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