Twilight Imagine #3

Comenzar desde el principio

The first person that catches your eye when you walk in is Alice's boyfriend Jasper, who seems to tense up just a little but gives you a small smile all the same. For some reason, when you look at him, the uneasiness in your chest seems to fade away and you feel your shoulders relax. You didn't realize how much tension you'd been holding in them until then, but you hide your surprise with a smile and a nod. 

"Hey!" You hear Bella say who comes down the stairs hand in hand with Edward. He gives you an apprehensive look after seeing that you're already doing the same.

"Be nice, Y/N... remember." You think to yourself and smile widely when Bella gives you a quick hug hello. When you pull away, you see Edward smirking, and wonder to yourself what is so funny to him. 

Before you can think anything more about it, your book bag starts to slide off your shoulder but Alice catches it before your contents can spill out onto the floor. "I got it!" She chirps happily. "I can put it in the other room if you want!" Your heart stops for a second as you think about the Myths, Legends, and Creatures of the Dark book inside that you have inside. The book caught your eye in a bookstore one day after hanging out with Jacob and hearing some of the tribal legends he shared with you. "Don't worry, I won't snoop if you don't want me to." 

Edward chuckles and Bella says "Thanks, Alice." She gives you a reassuring nod to tell you that you can trust the sweet golden-eyed girl and you reluctantly hand your bag over. Without another word, Alice skips away with Jasper following closely behind leaving you with Edward and Bella. 

"Want to go for a walk? There's a lot of cool spots around here and I remember how much you love hiking." Bella clears the air. 

"Uh, sure!" You say, looking outside and how overcast it is. The weather isn't out of the ordinary for you, and you've hiked in the rain plenty of times. Part of you was hoping you'd be able to see a bit more of the house, though. 

"I can give you a tour when we get back, if you'd like." Edward adds almost immediately, and again you find yourself wondering how it is he instinctively knew how to answer. Your whole experience at his house so far has seemed highly unusual, like every time you start to feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, Alice, Jasper, or Edward are there to put you at ease. 

"Sure." You smile. 

Bella looks at the two of you and laughs awkwardly before saying"Cool, let me get my jacket- thanks, Alice..." You look over to see Alice handing it over to Bella, who's staring at her with wide eyes as if trying to silently communicate something she doesn't want you knowing. 

Without another word, the three of you step out into the fresh air and you see Edward carefully step around the ray of sunlight beaming on part of the front porch. "Huh." You mutter to yourself, seeing Bella's eye twitch in your peripheral vision. 

For a while, the three of you walk in silence before you reach this open meadow which is brightly lit with multiple breaks in the clouds letting in rays of light onto the beautiful flowers below. Stopping at the tree line, Bella turns to you and stares for a couple of seconds as she thinks about what to say. Edward says nothing but looks at the two of you as if carefully trying to analyze the situation. 

"Y/N, uh..." Bella hesitates. "We've known each other our whole lives, right?" 

"Yeah, pretty much." You furrow your eyebrows, unsure why she's bringing up your close relationship since the both of you already know how much you value each other. 

One Shots/Imagines (BDM, DDM, etc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora