4. Jail

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Eight Days Later

Everything hurts like hell. The Judge told Frethta to only give me half the pain killers he normally would give.

I had the surgery almost immediately after I signed the papers. The Judge said once I was healed enough, I would be going to jail.

And so, now I'm being transported to jail.

As we pull up to the jail I see a crowd of people blocking its doors.

The Judge parks the car and drags me out by my handcuffs. "Ember! Thank you so much for killing Micheal! You freed my sister!" A young man yells.

Similar comments fill my ears as the Judge guides me through the crowd. I don't deserve their praise, Blaze does. He saved them not me.

Once inside the jail, the Judge locks the door. "See that child? That's why you're going to spend the rest of your life here. You took away some of my control."

Now out of public viewing, he stops dragging me by my handcuffs and instead drags me by my hair.

I'm forced to move quickly to stop him from pulling my hair too hard but it just causes pain in the incision area.

"This child will be your home for the rest of your life!" He laughs as he lets go of my hair and shoves me into a cell.

I fall to the ground and let out a pained scream. The incision and my fallopian tubes hurt so much.

I feel tears streaming down my face as the pain gets worse. I crawl on all fours to the bed and struggle to get onto it.

Everything hurts and I just want to go home. I miss my family. I miss Blaze holding me close at night. I miss Blaine wanting to her me sing. I miss Kinvaris being so loud. I miss Shadow wanting to be with me all the time. I miss my family so much.

🎶Now each day is one day that's left in her life. She won't know love, have a marriage, or sing lullabies. She lays all alone and cries herself to sleep cause she let a stranger kill her hopes and dreams.🎶

Narrator's Pov.

Songbird laid in her new bed and cried quietly. In the cell next to her the man was growing annoyed with her crying. It reminded him of when his mate would cry after they'd try for a pup.

The man got up from his bed and went to the opening in the wall that connected the two cells. The opening itself was a foot long and four inches tall with silver bars spaced out every two inches.

He looked at Songbird crying and got even more annoyed. It reminded him of his mate so much it made him sick. Just as he opened his mouth to yell at her to shut up, he smelt the scent of another wolf-man.

He immediately shut his mouth and stared at her. He took a few more deep breaths to get the wolf-man's scent. The scent smelled familiar but he couldn't place it. The scent smelled like something he'd smelled long ago when he was still in the wild.

He turned from the pitiful scene and sat back on his bed. "I just want to go back to my family." He heard her whimper. His brows furrowed at her words. He never knew of a female who wanted to go back to her mate, yet this female did.

Songbird's crying eventually quieted and that made the male happy. She was laying on the crappy bed and clutching her stomach in pain. She wished this hell was nothing more than a bad dream and that she would wake up safe in Blaze's arms.

🎶This cold and empty bed, it's a feeling that I dread. Oh, how I miss him. There's a burning deep inside that only he can satisfy. But he's not here with me.🎶

"Ember?" One of the guards called out. There's no answer and the guard walked up to the cell. "Ember?" The guard called out again. The female guard banged her baton on the cell bars which angered the male. "Ember, please talk to me." No answer. The baton banging got louder.

"Shut up!" The male screamed at the guard. But the guard ignored him and kept calling to Songbird. "Unless you're letting me out or giving me pain pills, please leave me alone." A quiet voice answered.

"I can't do either of those things." The guard answered with sadness. "Then leave me alone." "I want to put up a radio and I want to know what sort of music you'd like to listen to."

"Leave me alone!" Songbird snapped at the guard. Still the guard persisted. "She said to leave her alone!" The male yelled before slamming his body into the bars of the door and acting like a rabid animal.

This display immediately freaked out the female guard. She quickly put the radio up and flipped it to a station before practically running away from the crazy man.

The radio played some random rock song while the man calmed down and laid back on his bed.
He wanted to get as much rest as he could. He knew for a fact that after the night feeding time that damned man would come and take him for interrogation.

A new rock song started playing even louder than the last and it was ruining his resting time. And of course that damned woman next to him was crying again. This sucked!

After about seven songs played a different guard came with their food. He slipped the plates under the special slot in the door and left.

The man immediately lurched towards the plate. Even though the food was laced with wolfsbane and made him weak, he could not get enough of how it tasted.

Songbird on the other hand had no interest in eating the food. The food itself was a pile of box instant mashed potatoes and an uncooked slice of ham. Just looking at it made her lose her appetite.

The man could smell Songbird's uneaten food and it made his stomach growl. "Female, give me your food." He demanded through the wall gap.

Songbird paid him no mind and just stared at the plate. "I said, give me your food!" He demanded even louder.

She shot him a glare before rising from the bed in obvious pain. With one hand clutched to the incision, she slowly walked up to the plate and grabbed it.

She brought the plate to the gap, and flipped it so the food filtered through the gaps. He greedily slurped up the food and the bars burned his tongue. He didn't care though, her portion wasn't laced with wolfsbane like his was.

"You and I are going to switch food like this through the bars every feeding time." He told her. She just gave him a blank stare before slowly going back to the bed.

He watched her lay down and wondered what was wrong with her. Now he didn't like her, why would he like someone who reminded him of his mate? But he did like that she was willing to switch food with him.

"Corporeal! It's time for interrogation!" The Judge yelled, his voice echoing down the hall to the cells. Corporeal watched as Songbird flinched at the Judge's words and clutched her abdomen tighter.

Did the Judge hurt her like he hurt him?

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