"And what happened next?"

"Clarissa's hand was the coldest," Riku explained. "They had been stood outside in the cold waiting to welcome me to the school. Their hands were cold, but not like death. But I had to make sure. I went inside to the classroom and shook everyone else's hands. But Clarissa's were the coldest..."

"You knew they weren't dead, yet you thought you'd let them take the blame? What were you thinking?!" I cried, suddenly gaining some strength back. "Did you plan on telling other people this lie? What did you plan to do if Clarissa died and the curse didn't stop?!"

"I... I panicked!" Riku cried. "I didn't know what to do... Pinning the blame on Clarissa was just a spur of the moment, I was hoping everything after that would fit into place!"

Tears were welling in my eyes again. "Ri-kun, for God's sake. You drive me mad. You were mean when I first arrived, you grew to be my friend, and now this."

"I understand if you can't forgive me. But you'll forget me, so it's okay. Tsuki-cchi, it's time for me to go."

Riku reached into his jacket pocket, and produced a small pistol.

My heart raced and I cought my breath. I wanted to run away, but I was rooted to the spot.

"Dying again..." I whispered. "Ri-kun, can't we find another way to break the calamity?"

How could this boy give me such feelings? Despite all we'd been through in the last few hours, and the school year so far, I still felt sorry for him. I wanted to forgive him, to help him. He was the dead one, but it wasn't his fault that these deaths had been happening. It wasn't like he wielded a knife or made poisons. He was probably feeling more regret and hurt than he wanted to admit, more confusion and neglect than he cared to share.

"There is no other way," Riku sighed. "Send the dead back to death, right?"

The tears began streaming down my face. Why did it have to end like this?

I didn't want Riku to go.

I didn't want him to leave me...

"I love you, Tsuki," he whispered suddenly. "I know we're only young and it isn't a word to use lightly, but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me in this second life. I know you'll forget these words, but I thought you should know how special you are to me. You helped me a lot this year, even when I was being an idiot and didn't know how to deal with my emotions, and I will always be grateful."

My voice got caught in my throat. I couldn't speak. I wanted to tell Riku that I was thankful we had met, that I appreciated his words. But could I dare tell him that I didn't feel the same? How would he react if I told him that I had feelings for Clarissa?

Thankfully, the words wouldn't form.

Yet I wanted to say something kind... Quickly... Or I'd lose Riku forever...

"Riku..." I managed to say after taking a deep breath. "I don't want to forget you..."

Riku stepped forwards and placed his hand on my arm. I let him. "It may be for the best that you do..."

"Riku, I don't know what I'll do without you here with me. I wish there was a way to save you. It's only been a few months, but...but..."

"Tsuki, if it's going to hurt you so much, don't speak," Riku advised me softly. "I just hope you feel the same about me as I do about you."

I hesitated. Then I nodded. "I do... I really do..." I lied. The guilt tore me apart. I didn't want to lie, but I had to say what would help ease his pain. If it was going to help him in the last few minutes of his life, surely it would be okay?

Riku stepped back. His smile was full of pain, tears were streaming down his face. "Then don't say anything else. Tsuki-cchi, I'd prefer if you didn't watch me do this. Please go. I need to do this on my own terms. If our classmates find me, they'll tear me apart. Please...

I didn't want to watch Riku die, but I wanted to be there with him. But I couldn't stay, especially if he didn't want me to.

My body felt heavy and my mind felt numb as I made my way back. I was stumbling over my own feet, and I could barely stand up right.

"Riku," I whispered. It seemed to be the only word I could properly form. "Riku..." I was trying to engrave his name into my memory. I didn't want to forget him...

I turned the corner and began heading back to the others. I felt muddled up inside and could barely concentrate. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Tsuki..." Clarissa rushed over to me, Akira following them. Clarissa took my arm gently, and I melted under their touch. "Where have you been?"

"Did you find Riku?" Akira asked, looking behind me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would form, so I just had to shake my head, attempting to blink back tears which just didn't want to stop falling.

Clarissa tilted their head, looking worried. "Tsuki-chan, what happened?"

Then the echoing gun shot from the other side of the building gave them their answer.

Another: The Class of 1999Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя