Chapter 7 - Class Rep

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Thankfully the next day was Sunday, so I was able to spend the day trying to relax and take my mind off school. I was also surprised when my father announced he had a present for me, and gave me a mobile phone. It seemed rather convenient. Maybe a little too inconvenient...

"This really is kind, but you should have waited until my birthday," I told him.

"It did cost a little more than planned," my father admitted. "But after what's been happening recently, I want to make sure you're safe."

It was a navy flip phone. The keypad was large with the numbers and letters written in white. I was mesmerised, spending a lot of time just flipping the phones screen up and down, very entertained. 

The next thing I did was phone Clarissa.

"Hello?" She asked when she picked up.

"Clarissa-san? It's Tsuki!"

"Tsuki-san? No way! I thought you said you didn't have a phone?"

"I just got one today, my father bought me it."

"Your dad is a very kind man." I could feel Clarissa smiling. "I didn't know it was your birthday.

"It isn't. My father is being a little cautious, due to everything that's happened in school."

"You haven't told your dad about the class 3-3 curse, have you?"

I shook my head, before realising she couldn't see me. "No, I haven't."

"Good," my classmate responded. "Because I'd hate him to worry about you even more. But May has only just started - I don't think Yuki-san's brother will be the only death in May."

I nodded, and then realised, once again, she couldn't see me. "I'll help you out however I can, Clarissa-san. Please be careful."

I will," Clarissa responded. "And you be careful too. If you need anything I'll only be a call or text away, alright?"

I sat on the edge of by bed and fell backwards so I was laying down. "You too. Day or night."

"Night is for sleeping," Clarissa said, sounding a little more cheerful.

I smirked. "I don't sleep a lot."

"Really? I love sleeping," Clarissa gave a little laugh.

"Me too, but I just don't need a lot," I said. I hesitated. "I used to have trouble sleeping, but not much anymore." It felt like I was somehow revealing a lot about me in that one sentence.

"Make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight, then," she instructed me.

"Yes, Sensei," I joked.

Clarissa chuckled. "I'd love to talk for longer, but I need to have a bath and make sure I have enough time to dry my hair. I can't afford to get ill! Thank you for calling, I'll save your number. Have a good evening, Tsuki-san!"

"You too! Goodnight!"

I let her hang up first, before flipping my phone shut and holding it to my chest, allowing my thoughts and a strange sense of calmness to engulf me for a moment.

I enjoyed talking to Clarissa, and thinking of her made my cheeks go red. It felt like she was such a huge part of my life, but I was only a tiny spec in hers. I could imagine her brilliance and attitude attracted everyone, and I was a minor inconvenience, obsessed with her, who she'd kindly let into her life out of pity. I sincerely hoped that wasn't the case.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about her?


The next day I headed to school a little earlier than usual. I was tired, but I wanted to see Clarissa. Maybe to ask her if she was happy having me as a friend, or just so I could sit at my desk and stare longingly at her.

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