Chapter 24 - My Confession

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The deep breaths of fresh air were welcome in my lungs. I wiped away my tears, focusing on my breathing. Clarissa was panting heavily too, their eyes fixed on the building being engulfed by flames.

"Tsuki! Clarissa!"

I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head, but I managed to blink myself awake and weakly turn to look. Riku, Akira, Cho, Makoto, Yemon and Jiro were running towards us.

I could feel myself collapsing into slumber, but Riku lightly tapped my cheek. I couldn't concentrate. I had no control over my limbs.

"Stay awake for me, Tsuki-cchi," he whispered. His fingers were freezing, it felt so cool and lovely against my own skin, which was far too hot

Then my coughing fit began.

"You did a crazy thing, Tsuki-cchi," Riku gave me a sad smile, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You almost died in there."

"But... Clarissa..." Those were all the words I could manage to say before my throat felt like of was on fire and I had to cough the smoke out of my lungs.

Riku rested his cool palm against my forehead. "I bet you've inhaled a lot of smoke, and you're probably exhausted."

Akira had been helping Clarissa, who taking deep, raspy breaths and crying to control her shaking hands. Their whole body was trembling, meanwhile mine just felt completely numb and worn out. I wanted to reach out for them, but I didn't have the energy.

Chibiki-Sensei decided to make his appearance, presenting bottles of water and bandages. I hated Chibiki-Sensei for leaving us like he did. Which reminded me...

"Where are the hotel owners?!" I wondered.

Chibiki-Sensei shook his head. "I've been dealing with those two. There's no need to worry."

"No need to worry?!" Akira shouted, standing up and balling his fists. "Half of our classmates are dead, and everyone was fighting each other to the death, where the hell have you been?!"

"Lives have been in danger, and you left us!" Yemon agreed furiously.

"Who knows how many more of us could have died?!" Jiro added.

Chibiki-Sensei cleared his throat and passed the pack of waterbottles to Cho. "You and Nanako-san hand these out, please."

Jiro huffed, and passed out the water bottles with Cho, muttering something about Gods and faith.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to Cho as she approached me, "about Ran-san."

Cho just shook her head. "It wasn't your fault."

Clarissa heard Cho say this, and I could see the unease and panic reappear on Clarissa's face.

Nothing was getting through to Clarissa. I was trying so hard to help her, but their mind was contradicting everything I had been saying. No matter what I said, Clarissa would always believe that this was their fault.

Why didn't they see how much I cared for them? Why were they pushing themselves away from me? Was there nothing I could do to make them see...?

Clarissa stood up. We all turned and looked up at them. I had been expecting a speech, and I think everyone else did too.

Clarissa remained silent, but they took a few steps forwards, separating themselves from the rest of the group.

Akira coughed. "What shall we do, class rep?"

Clarissa turned their head around slightly. "Huh?"

"We've lost so many classmates today," Jiro said. "We can't let their deaths be in vain."

Another: The Class of 1999Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz