Flashback 3

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"I love the spring," Mai sighed happily, laying underneath the blossom tree, looking up at the blooming petals.

The boy smiled cheerfully, laying next to her, his hands behind his head. "Yeah... Beautiful..."

Mai turned her head to face her friend. They had both gotten along so well ever since Mai's act of kindness of lending him the pen. Since they were both new and struggled to make friends, they decided their time would be best spent if they both got along instead of quarreling, even if they both moved to different high schools after their final year at Yomiyama middle school.

That is, if they made it to the end of the school year...

"Fu-kunMai whispered, "aren't you scared?"

"Scared?" The boy repeated, turning his head to face Mai. "Why?"

"Of the class 3-3 calamity," Mai expanded. "Aren't you scared?"

The boy turned to look back up at the tree. He contemplated. "A little. But we need to focus on living our lives to the fullest. That is why I like spending so much time with you, Take-cchi."

Mai grinned. "I love the nicknames we made for each other. They make me feel even closer to you."

"Even though my name is completely ridiculous," the boy laughed. "I really enjoy the time we spend together. I'd love to remain your friend forever."

Mai nodded. "I feel the same."

The boy beamed. "That makes me so happy to hear that." The boy paused for a moment. "Which is why we must survive this calamity together. We need to stay strong and not be affected. Let's make a promise," he said. "If we both stay strong and survive to the end of the school year, I'll ask you to be my girlfriend."

Mai's cheeks blushed as she bolted upright. "What?!" She gasped.

The boy grinned. "I really like you, Take-cchi. And I'd be thrilled if you felt the same way."

Mai beamed. "I do!"

The boy nodded back with enthusiasm. "So it's agreed - we're both going to survive this curse for each other!" The boy gently placed his hand over the girls. His hand was cold against her warm one. "Let's survive this year together."

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