Knuckles frowned trying to call on his chaos powers which seemed to not be working. 

Just as the missiles were said to hit a voice cried out, "CHAOS SHIELD!". Knuckles frowned as they were soon surrounded by a purple shield when all the missiles hit causing a crater like no other in the ground. 

"How! You're just a chameleon!" Doom roared, spotting the one who stood outside the shield, Espio lifted his head with a wicked look as his skin darkened until it was a dark purple. 

Espio only smiled as he vanished from sight confusing them all which led to Eclipse and Infinite floating down to investigate only for them to hit the ground hard as Espio appeared in front of them ready for the strict battle ahead. 

Knuckle's eyes widened as they all watched Espio fight off two powerful enemies with only his hidden blades and the occasional punch. Eclipse was furious, how dare this mortal think he could challenge him. He would show him Eclipse thought as he created a pure ball of black energy intending on taking out the chameleon when a booming sound caught all attention. 

A portal opened behind them all followed by a pure green wave slamming any enemies away from all the mobians including Espio who was holding a hand to his side in agony, he had been stabbed again. He ignored the look from Knuckles who caught his eye before turning his full attention to the portal where a hedgehog stepped out followed by another…

"SONIC!" The freedom fighters shouted in happiness, the cobalt speedster looked their way with a smile which was clearly fake as the other hedgehog made themselves known. 

“MEPHILES!” Eclipse roared turning to the one who was once his partner only for him to turn on him, Mephiles could only nod turning to Sonic who smiled accepting the green chaos emerald off Mephiles and sprinting for the freedom fighters who watched as the hero took out the black arms and robots without any effort. 

“Miss me?!” he shouted, “Show off” Rouge huffed with a smile as the shield dropped and they all helped the blue speedster in defeating their enemies. Dash noticed one thing, where was his mother? He took notice of the portal still being opened and without thinking he sped through it with a worried Silver following after him. Shade gasped when the portal shut, “NO!” she cried out alerting Sonic who glared at Mephiles who shook his head. 

“Open it!” 

“I can’t! Shadow opened it, not me!” Mephiles yelled back avoiding another robot, Sonic shook his head. 

Earlier on with Shadow and Sonic…

Rocks and Sonic had left both Trails and Shadow on the ledge while they snuck down to where Mephiles hung limply. 

“Why do we have to use stealth? I can just run and get him” Sonic whined, Rocks looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “You know why, I thought Shadow explained it to you” Rocks said. Sonic only nodded, “Yeah yeah, the jackals have archers blah blah blah!” 

“You there! Announce yourself!” 

Damn they had been caught, Sonic didn’t understand the meaning of announcing himself and Rocks could only face-palm as the hero stood up and introduced himself. 

“Hi, I’m Sonic the Hedgehog and you have something of mine…oh!” 

The jackals looked at him confused until someone aimed an arrow for him, the speedster was quick to sprint out of the way and attack the jackals who couldn’t help but attack back. “SONIC! You idiot!” Sonic looked up to see Mephiles glaring at him as Rocks remained in the shadows just as another hedgehog made himself known. 

“ENOUGH!” Shadow’s shout caught them all off guard, all attention turned to the black and red hedgehog who was leaning on Trails with the fox helping him down. One of the jackals appeared in front of the two, “Shadow, it has been too long. We have been expecting you” Shadow only grunted as Sonic moved over to his side and helped hold him up. 

“You are here due to Infinite aren’t you” the same jackal spoke, she wore more silver than anything. 

“I am” 

“So, you understand, what must be done?” she said, Sonic looked at Shadow with curiosity. 

“I do, is he?” 

“He’s still alive, you know him personally” 

Shadow could only nod as a small being was placed in his arms. 

“Shadow, what’s going on?” Sonic asked looking at the small jackal in the ultimate lifeform’s arms, “You're not! Shadow you promised, no more killing!” Sonic screamed at his partner, Shadow looked up with a frown. “It’s either Infinite or Silver, we don’t have a choice” Shadow argued back. “Shadow, you know, fine well that there is always a choice!” Sonic held his partner's head in his arms. 

“But Silver…” 

“Will be okay, now we are not going through with this, as much as Infinite is our enemy. We can’t hurt a baby who can be raised differently” Sonic said, taking the baby jackal out of his partner's arms and handing it over to the female who agreed with the blue hedgehog. 

“Shadow! Catch!” Mephiles threw something at the black and red hedgehog who caught it with a grimace, “Shadow?” Sonic said with worry, looking down at the black crystal. Shadow frowned, “Do you trust me?” Shadow asked, “Yes”, “Good”.

Sonic then found himself falling through a portal with Mephiles, the two yelled as the green chaos emerald appeared in Mephiles hand and the two were left cursing as another portal opened and they stepped out of it only to come across a battlefield.

Stick around for more chapters on the way soon...
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A Protective Light In The Darkness ( Book Two) (Sonadow) - COMPLETED! Where stories live. Discover now