Avengers Set

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I was awoken by Chris kissing the back of my neck on my moon tattoo and I smiled as he did.

"You know, with Bianca, we need to learn how to sleep in clothes." I said and he laughed.

"Well, if someone would stop attacking me halfway through the night, I would have clothes on." Chris said and I laughed turning to face him.

"Excuse me? Attacking you?!" I said and he leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"Okay fine, I guess I attack you." Chris said and I nodded. I grabbed his shirt I was sleeping in until he came home from filming the night before and attacked me. I picked it up from the floor and put it on.

"I haven't heard her awake yet. Do we think she is awake or still sleeping?" I asked and Chris smiled with a shrug. Before he could answer we heard little feet on the steps.

"I would say awake." Chris said and the door busted up. She ran and jumped on the bed, mostly on Chris causing him to grunt.

"Good morning bumblebee." I said and kissed her cheek as Chris put her between us as we sat up.

"Can we go see Uncle Jeremy today?" Bianca asked and I looked at Chris.

"Is he on set today?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Yeah...we all are. Why don't you come with me? Can't stay in the house forever and I know Scarlett and RDJ would love to see you." Chris said.

"And Bianca?" I asked.

"Bring her. It's time." Chris said.

"And we introduce her as...?" I asked.

"Our daughter." Chris said and I smiled as he kissed me. I smiled down at Bianca.

"You ready to meet some friends of ours?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"I have to get in early to get ready. Why don't you two go out and get some breakfast somewhere and then come to set." Chris said and I sighed.

"Being seen...?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have on good authority there is no one around. Just go have breakfast and then come and join me." Chris said and I smiled.

"Set passes?" I asked.

"On the kitchen counter." Chris said and I nodded.

"Well let's go to breakfast bumblebee then off to see daddy and uncle Jeremy work." I said and she smiled.

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After breakfast Bianca and I drove to the lot where the movie was being filmed. I used the set pass, and they checked me off the list.

"Bianca, I need you to stay with me until we find daddy or Uncle Jeremy, okay?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Yes mommy." She said and took my hand. I started walking through the sea of trailers and it made me feel a little nostalgic of how much I missed being on a set. I saw Chris standing down the lot and I smiled. I noticed he was talking to Scarlett and RDJ and I sighed.

"Hey, you see daddy?" I asked and Bianca got excited. "Go, run to him. Call for him." I said and let go of her hand, she took off.

"DADDY!" Bianca yelled as she ran to Chris, and I gave a small laugh. Chris turned around and I noticed he was in the Captain America suit, this was the first time I really saw it since I never saw the film, I didn't want to see it. Chris smiled and picked her up.

"Daddy?" Scarlett asked and Chris nodded.

"My daughter, Bianca." Chris said.

"And her mother?" Robert asked as I walked up.

"That would be me." I said. Scarlett screamed seeing me and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"What the hell is going on?" Robert asked and I sighed.

"Well, you know how Chris and I broke up about 4 years ago?" I asked and everyone nodded.

"Yeah, well I didn't know she was pregnant when I broke up with her." Chris said.

"Reason why I left acting and just lived in Tahoe near Renner and raise her." I said and I smiled as Chris tickled Bianca, and she giggled.

"So, Renner knew?" Scarlett asked and I nodded.

"He did. By the way Bianca, this is my friend Scarlett and Robert. Can you say hi?" I asked and she smiled.

"Hi." She said and I smiled.

"Daddy, where is Uncle Jeremy?" She asked and Chris smiled at me.

"In his trailer. You want to take her?" Chris asked and I nodded as he sat her down. I took her hand.

"You want to come?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Chris said and took my hand. Scarlett looked and smiled.

"Are you two back together?" Scarlett asked and I smiled.

"We're trying." Chris said and she smiled.

"Good." Robert said and I smiled. We walked away to get head to the trailers.

"So this is the Cap suit huh?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You never watched the first movie?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry, I couldn't." I said and Chris understood as to why. We reached Renner's trailer.

"Who is it?" Jeremy called from inside since we knocked. I looked at Bianca and nodded.

"UNCLE JEREMY!" She yelled causing Chris and I to laugh.

"What the fu -..." Jeremy said inside the trailer and then opened the door to see us all standing there.

"Hey!" I said when he opened the door. Bianca jumped in his arms and hugged him. She hadn't seen Jeremy in a few days since we left Tahoe. I noticed he was in his suit for his character, and I smiled shaking my head.

"Some of your guy's outfits..." I said and they both laughed.

"Hey, can you watch her for a few minutes? I need to talk to Chris in his trailer." I said and Jeremy nodded.

"Yeah, sure but behave." Jeremy said and I just rolled my eyes. Chris and I walked out of Jeremy's trailer, and he led the way to his. Once inside I pushed Chris over to the couch and straddled him one, he sat down.

"Okay this damn suit has no easy access, right?" I asked And Chris laughed.

"No, unfortunately." Chris said and I laughed.

"Then making out it is." I said and Chris chuckled as my lips connected to his as I placed my hands on his chest and he held on to my hips. We weren't sure how long we were making out when the trailer door just open.

"Surprise!" Scott, Chris' brother, yelled walking in. We broke apart but I stayed on Chris' lap. "Rose?!" He asked seeing me.

"Hey Scott." I said.

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