Extreme Meets (15)

Start from the beginning

"You are about to be patrolled by Team Avatar."

Asami approaches the group wielding an electrified glove.

"Asami, you always know how to accessorize your outfits."

"I figure one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist weapon." She conducts electricity from the glove.

"All right, Let's ride."

Mako, Asami, and Korra are already seated on Naga.

This won't work with the five of us riding on Naga.

As Bolin jumps onto Naga. "Naga away!"
Naga bends down, causing them to slide off her and fall on top of each other.

Naga growls and shakes her head. "Not surprised." I chuckled at the group as Korra stands up a bit embarrassed.

She narrows her eyes in dismay as they look to the side. "All right, scratch that. Any other ideas?"

I light nudge asami arm as she rests a hand on her chin. "You're thinking what I'm thinking?"

She happily grins grabbing my hand as we quickly run down the gates of the air temple island.


I sit in the passenger seat as Asami starts up the car and drives out of the garage. The car swerves and stops in front of the rest of the group.

"You think this'll do?"

Mako, Bolin, and Korra smile at her and they jump into the back of the car.

"I like the new Team Avatar's style."

Asami changes gears driving around the street off to patrol the city. As the radio begins to speak.

"Unit two sixteen, cancel that ten fifty-eight at Harmony Tower. Come back to the station, over."

"My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars. I guess now I know why." She looks away from us as I place my hand on her shoulder for comfort.

She lightly smiled as the radio spoke up again.

"Calling all units, Level Four Alert. Jailbreak at headquarters. Officers down, electrocuted. Chi-blockers and Equalist convicts are still at large armed and dangerous,"

"Last seen heading east. I repeat, Level Four Alert. Equalist jailbreak!" Asami stops the car as a truck and several Equalist motorcyclists rush through the traffic.

"Chi-blockers!" Bolin exclaimed pointing at the equalist.

"That's them!"

"Let's get 'em!"

Asami changes gears and begins the car chase. Cars twirl and stop from crashing into the truck as it plows through the street.

Asami dodges the cars and still tails the chi-blockers but a massive truck blocks their way.

"Korra! Bolin! Give me a ramp! Now!"

Korra and Bolin earth bend a massive ramp that sends the car soaring into the air before landing safely, resuming their chase.

Mako uses his lightning and strikes one of the chi-blocker's motorcycles, causing the chi-blocker to fall to the ground.

Bolin bends earth darts, hitting the wheel of another motorcycle, causing the chi-blocker to fall.

Asami dodges the fallen cyclist. The rest of the chi-blockers begin to use a smoke.

I take off my seat belt standing up a bit from my seat creating an air dome surrounding the car.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now