5. A not so quiet night

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' "Interesting?" The crew member queried.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out later." Shanks said while pushing the man away by his shoulder. "Now!" Standing up, Shanks made his way to the door. "I need to go check something out, I should be back soon."

The crew mate sighed; and a few moments passed before he realized Shanks hadn't paid the bill yet. Slowly he turned around to a looking shadow. "Oh sh-"

. . .

Shanks was wondering around the town. A brisk breeze swept through the cold night air. It was quiet, but peaceful.

Shanks took it a healthy breath of air; and released it all a moment later with a small smile. "If only every night could be like this..." His face sorrowed. "If only they could've seen this..."

Shanks looked up and skimmed the horizon, his eyes locking onto the sea. He gave a slight smile in the moment of nostalgia. Letting his thoughts trail off to the old days. "I'm getting old.." Shanks gave with a chuckle. He motioned a turn for the bar, but stopped when something caught his eye. "Now what's that?" Shanks lifted his left hand to his squinting eyes.

It appeared to be a small building, but what was weird was that it was sitting alone away from the village. Better check it out Shanks thought to himself.

. . .

Shanks reached the building, and scanned it's outer. There's no way anyone lives here....it's a total mess! So he reached for the doorknob and let himself in.

Inside he a dusty room with three pipes layed across the floor next to a bunch of scattered crayons and papers. He looked to his right to see a closed but strangely new curtain above a small table with three chairs. This is no way to live... Shanks turned his head to the left, widening his eyes in shock. IT'S THOSE KIDS!!

Shanks noticed that the blanket had fallen to the floor. They'll catch cold.. he made his way slowly over to the bed, flinching at a creaking board. But exhaled quietly and continued.

When he had reached the bed, he saw that the two older ones were holding on tight to the younger one he believed was named Luffy.

They cuddled him in a protective circle, while Luffy sucked his small thumb sleeping soundly. Shanks could help but smile at how cute they were. But he quickly shook off that thought knowing he should leave them be. Lifting up the blanket now, he draped the fabric into the air and let it fall slowly over the three. But before it landed---two bumped had appeared in the falling sheet, heading straight for him.

Shanks jumped back with a large grin as the two shadows rapidly approached him.

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