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After a week under surveillance and monitoring at the hospital, Akshara was finally discharged from the hospital. And right away, Abhimanyu insisted that she would stay with him for at least a little while.

Akshara hesitated and refused, explaining that it was important for her to go home and be in her setting.

But Abhimanyu had begged her, clearly stating that he would not be able to sleep at night without her near him where he could watch her.

And so like much like anything else, Akshara had given him.

On the condition that he would also return to work.

It had been an entire week and he had not spent more than a couple of minutes away from Akshara. He had silenced his phone, only taking the most important calls which he would adhere to remotely via his laptop from Akshara's hospital room. That too he kept a minimum. He had made it very clear to her that work was not his priority when it came to her well-being.

And one of the days at the hospital she had actually asked him.

"Abhi... the MH case? How is it all going?" she asked him gently, guilt still seeping out of her weak state any time she thought about that case.

But Abhimanyu was the CEO for a reason.

He looked at her, not saying anything for a moment as he processed some things in his mind. Then smiling softly, as if he had made up his mind on something, he finally spoke.

"You should know Abhimanyu Birla is stronger than any tornado that he may face... I know how to get back on my feet and make things a hundred times better than before.." he said confidently.

"That's why I was gone for a while" he had informed her, "I was in London sorting it all out, and guess what? We have actually redeemed the case.. they are back on the doorsteps wanting for us to sign but this time I may need to think over" he winked at her as she watched in awe.

"I was of course heartbroken at the time... so frustrated at the leak and the chaos the media made... our reputation has definitely been bothered by this fiasco.. but nothing I can't deal with," he told her shrugging his shoulders as he faced his back to her.

Akshara watched guilt still seeping out of her heart. She leaned up and trembled.

"I'm-I'm sorry Abhi" she whispered, hugging him from the back.

He watched her reflection in the mirror examining her reaction, "arre... why are you sorry jaan?"

"Just I'm sorry," she told him closing her eyes shut tight, pulling him towards her and hugging him.

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow in complete confusion but decided to let it go given her state.


Returning back to work had been a difficult task. Abhimanyu found it difficult to be away from home, worried and anxious over Akshara's state. But she was correct of course, work was impending and now that he was confident that she had started recovering, he had to deal with the line of meetings he had waiting.

He smiled at the background photo on his phone which was her pouting at him at his own home, when a text buzzed from her on his mobile.

"Hey mister... you better be focusing ok.. do your work quickly and come back home to me quick" it read and Abhimanyu let out a laugh, she had caught him in his thoughts of her.

Sighing, he pushed his hair back as he leaned into his chair when a sudden knock abrupted his thoughts.

His receptionist walked in.

"Sir your 9:00 AM appointment is waiting" she alerted him.

Abhimanyu fixed his posture immediately as a sinking feeling came over him. He had been waiting for this day. He nodded at the secretary and then got up from his desk.

There was a separate building where Abhimanyu met his most secret and top clients. This was to ensure that nothing was being recorded or taped, he'd realised too early that you couldn't trust anyone in business.

But this wasn't business.


This was his life.

He stepped inside through the elevator in his back room that went to the location.

He nodded at the man who was waiting for him. Detective Rajeev. Someone who had been helping him with the case that had significantly impacted his life.

"Sir - we have found a new lead regarding case 5/11 - we have a video to show you and we have profound evidence from this man..." Rajeev spoke.

Abhimanyu turned his attention to the man behind Rajeev and took a deep breath.

"Ramu kaka?" he spoke, his eyes horrified as he looked at his childhood butler.


Akshara clicked through her laptop as she sat in the room she had adopted in Abhimanyu's home as her office. She was sitting at the desk, with her internet connected to her hotspot data. She felt an ounce of guilt envelope her.

"Sorry Abhi..., I still have to hide this," she thought to herself closing her eyes.

She hated this.

She wanted this mess to be over.

But this was for the best now.

She had already decided she needed to find another way. She could not hurt him as she had just done. She had already seen the outcome of it all.

She had not expected to fall in love. But she did not regret it either. How could she regret Abhimanyu?

She had to find the culprit. That was the only way she would find peace in this situation.

And then she would tell Abhimanyu the whole truth.

She would hide nothing from him.

And if he hated her for it, she would accept it.

She would run far away and promise to never disturb him again.

But if he wanted her to stay.

She would never leave.

Remain by his side in whatever capacity he wanted.

It had been helpful that someone had reopened the case recently. It meant that she could access more details and try and put the pieces together but there was still something blocking her way as she could only access what was available to the public which was still very limited.

Clicking through what was available, Akshara sighed as she perused through different files. A lot were things she had already previously seen.

The only new thing that had been added was a video.


She clicked on it and immediately a message popped up.

'To view these video files, please contact XXXX'

Akshara quickly put her ringtone on private, ensuring they couldn't track her, and immediately called the number to see where it would lead.

A voice responded on the other end. It was an automated message.

"Dear listener... This is a highly protected document. In order to view the video, you will need documented evidence of access and authority from the owner, Birla Enterprises CEO, Abhimanyu Birla"

;) Enjoy my dear readers!

N x

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