mike wheeler: letters pt.1

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tw: angst, cheating, and betrayal


my guy friend helped me with this so a large portion of mikes letter is made by him

W friend

dear mike,

        it has been quite a while since you've written to me, why? i wanted to see if youre doing alright. long distance is a pain.

we used to send letters every few days, but it's been almost more than 3 weeks since we've spoken. did something happen at home? at school? maybe the post office? i hope nothing too serious.

ill stop talking about that, i dont want to sound so nosy.

but really, how are you? i do hope youre doing alright. i really miss you and can't wait to see you in a week for winter break. i can't wait to see little holly too! i miss doing her hair and playing games with her.

i can't wait to see nancy either. besides el, i miss having an older sister to talk about boys with. el isn't much of an expert.

speaking of el, recently she's been borrowing books from the library about love for quite some time now. i do hope she found someone, she deserves so much love. another thing i noticed was that she's been receiving letters as well. probably from the person who caused her to read those books.

but why would they need to send letters? can't they just call each ot-

"y/n!" el calls out for her sister, "a letter arrived and it's for you," she says as she barges into her room.

y/n excitingly gets up from her desk and claims the envelope from el.

"thanks, el," the joyful girl smiles at her and returns to her desk.

her fingers brush against the beautifully decorated envelope before opening it carefully.

excite fills her body as she unfolds the paper.

to my dream girl,

oh how she missed him.

it's been so long since i've seen your pretty face. you drive me insane.

i miss you so much.

i miss everything about you.

i love your style of clothing. i love how lively you are. i always feel comfortable around you. whenever I feel sad, you try your best to cheer me up. and you're also hardworking. i basically love everything about you.

she could feel her heart flutter. is this his way of making up for the lost time?

and sometimes i tell you how pretty you are, it may be hard for you to believe but you are. i love how you just let your hair be messy sometimes. you always care about me. whenever you try to talk to me while i'm talking to someone else, you always think that you might bother me. i love how caring you are and the way you look. in other words, i love you, el.


even though it was clear that the letter was addressed to her sister, she continued to read.

you don't know how happy you make me feel whenever you send me those sweet letters. i appreciate you for reading books about love so that you can impress me. but el, you don't have to do that. you have already impressed me the day i laid my eyes on you.

i also appreciate the trouble you go through just for me. sneaking past y/n so we can communicate. i-

"y/n?" el whispers from her door, her soft voice becoming annoying to the poor girl's ears. el knows what she did wrong. el knows that y/n read the letter.

"what is this, el?" y/n's quiet yet angry voice asks as she holds up the letter, not making eye contact with el.

el doesn't reply, she stays by the door, looking down.

"i said what is this, el?" she raises her voice a bit, "tell me!" she stands up as she yells.

she walks towards the girl and makes her look at her before slapping her face.

el holds her red cheek while looking at y/n with a shocked expression on her face, her eyes starting to tear.

"you hit me," she whispers.

"yeah, no kidding. i would've punched your face but mike wouldn't want that for his pretty-faced dream girl, would he? you went behind my back! and with mike! why, el? why? why mike? why?" she yells.

"b-because yo-you stole him fr-from me! i liked him from t-the start! the v-ve-very start!" el stutters over her words.

"b-because i stole him fr-from you?" she mocks the girl, "el, he chose me! it doesn't matter if you liked him from the start because he chose me!"

"well, he chose me now."

i am so sorry for not updating. like always, school has been taking up my time. i also hope you dont mind that i changed the format.

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