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Federal republic of Mellida , City of Kale.
1:47 P.M

“Platoon B! Cover our asses while we run to the other side!" Screamed the platoon leader, popping out from his cover and firing his rifle at the enemy.

"Roger!" Machine gun crew from the B platoon were repositioned next to the corner of the building. Accompanied by rifle squads, they open fire at the Unionist forces forcing them to take cover behind obstacles.

"Move move move!" As B platoon continued to suppress the enemy. A platoon dashed across the street, jumping over several obstacles before making it to another structure.

One of the soldiers belonging to the A platoon was not so lucky, a stray round managed to strike the side of his hips resulting in the rifleman to collapse on the ground, bleeding to death.

"SHIT! we got a man down!" Another one from A platoon declared.

"Cover me while I drag this bastard to safety!" The sergeant yelled to his buddies around him.

His armed colleagues complied with the man's order, running out from the building. His men joined in with B platoon taking out several Apprailian soldiers with their weapons. 

Sprinting across the street once more intending to save the wounded friendly from death. Bullets flew overhead forcing him to hid behind a rotten car. Eyes shifted at the friendly, just a few meters from him.

Taking a deep breath, he sprang out of his cover and finally grabbed onto the wounded rifleman. Dragging the injured back to cover, he and the wounded barely made it back to his platoon.

The sergeant huffed, placing the wounded against the wall of the building.

"Healer! Take care of this man will ya?" Ordered the Mellidan healer. Which immediately complied.

Several anti-tank crew were in place. Recoilless rifles were hidden within the building floor and sending havoc to the Unionist ranks with high explosive shells. 

"Contact! Enemy armored units inbound!" A rifleman alerted his comrades, spotting two tanks from a distance.

From the horizon, a Unionist tank emerged from the smoke with its engine roared loudly and tracks rumbling against the stone-paved road. It was also followed by heavily armed sprinting along the moving armored monster.

Anti-tank crews from both platoons wasted no time. Armor-piercing rounds slammed into the breachers by the loader, then fired. Salvo of armor piercing rounds flew across the rumbled street striking the turret cheek and front hull of the enemy tank.

It wasn't enough for it to be killed. Loading another round into the chamber, the enemy tank gradually turned at the left building where the Anti-tank units from B platoon are.

Before the AT-crew could even fire their recoilless rifle. Flashs and thick smoke escaped from the muzzle of the enemy tank, seconds later, the same building which hid the AT-crew was demolished like it was nothing.

A loud clunk between metal to metal attracted the enemy tank. The AT-crew from A platoon shoots the enemy tank right on the turret cheek using AP rounds.

Turret turned and faced upwards on where the Mellidan Anti-tank crew were hidden, it retaliated by sending a high explosive shell and sending it right through the window at high speed. The building shook, and AT-crew turned into instant roasted beastkin meat.

<<B platoon, fall back! There's too many of them, over!>> a Lieutenant from A platoon barked out a new order to pull back.

<<Affirmative! Pulling back now!>>

One by one, each soldier from the platoons withdraw from their position. Others stayed to provide covering fire to aid the rest of the units to escape from the battlezone. Though, not all of them made it out, some of which were gunned down by machine gun fire or turned into minced meat by explosives.

Thus, the Apprailian forces began to push into the city of Kale, and with their airfield and several important locations were either destroyed or captured. It's only a matter of time for the Mellidans to exhaust themselves and surrender. 


Federal republic of Mellida , Outskirts of Kale 1:57 P.M

Within the outskirt of Kale, the ground rattled by endless barraged of explosion coming from the heavens.

The Mellidan helicopter swooped overhead the floral fields of the countryside and the forest which were now filled with small craters in various sizes, decaying armored vechiles and corpses of Unionist soldiers scattered around the area.

<<Hostile armored vehicle inbound! 6°clock!>> 

The pilot swerved the throttles over to the left after noticing a light tank spring out from the forest. The pilot locked on to the moving armored vehicle until pressing the trigger launching a single anti-tank guided missile from the wing. 

It flew over the direction of the rumbling tank with a trail of smokes from it's rear. The guided missile detonated itself once it slammed against the topside of the armored vehicle.

With the tank turned into scrapped metal, the crew within turned into charred corpses due to the fact they're weren't able to get out in time.

The warning mechanism activated a loud blaring beeps within the cockpit, indicating that a missile has latched onto the helicopter. 

After an enemy rocket lifted flight from the ground, it continued to blare out every single second, increasing its beeping cacophony. 

<<fuck! Deploying flares!>>

From the back of the rotorcraft, the pilot’s wingman fired a sequence of flares. forcing the anti-air missile to diverted its course towards the falling light and exploded. Feeling the vibration of the explosion erupted in the atmosphere, they continued to flew into enemy territory to rain havoc on the Unionist forces.

After a few minutes, the clock finally strikes 2°'clock in the afternoon. The sky progressively brightens as the sun does. 

Soldiers and foes alike have noticed the sky brightening, their vision blurred by the strange light as if struck by a flashbang. 

Through the unknown bright light that just transpired, the entire country vanished from their own planet, and enemy soldiers followed suit, reappearing at the boundaries between their own nation and the one they're intended to invade. 

But now all that remains is a big ocean. There is no indication of any Mellidan vesss or any of them, and this marks the beginning of the country's trip through another world.

Mellida: A New World, A New War[Adopted]Where stories live. Discover now