Chapter 8

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Well since I have so many readers please comment!!! Please comment I feel like a horible writer. Also please read my comments on the chapters. DO NOT SKIP and since I updated I will not be updating this Wednesday.

Mark's POV(😱)

I can't believe she is the one, the most powerful on earth. Ug if only I didn't 'take her in' then she could be dead. But my wife made me so I had to take her in. She was such a lovely wife and a good fuck. But sadly she was my mate so I had to accept her at that time.
But if I didn't then Sheylyn could be my slave, if only I didn't. That just sealed the proficy (idk how to spell. sorry back to the story) wait your here!! Ug! Now you know more than your supposed to. I'm leaving so you can figure this whole thing out. Mwa ha ha ha!!! (Insert evil laugh)

Sheylyn's POV

He still hasn't come. My Nash couldn't have forgetten me. Has he?

I hear the door creak and hope Mark will give me answers now.

"I suppose you want answers?"

Since I refuse to speak I nod. He chuckles in response.

"Well it all started when you were unfortunately born. See at this time there was a proficy: thy girl from young age will be torchered from her life. Soon she will transform into a Snow White and black stripes. If she is the one she must be born from Hades and the mortal Helen(Zeus and a mortals daughter). She will be taken in by a mortal of the devil. When she is of age she will slowly find more in her: she is not a mortal she has more than the eye can see. She will rule the immortal world full of other warecats and warewolves. I think that the proficy is about you"

I just stare at him not knowing what to say. "So I'm not your daughter?"

He sighs while shaking his head in a 'no' gesture.
"You see my wife ; my mate couldn't produce children i promised her that we would rule the world so I needed an hear. Since we couldn't reproduce, we adopted. We got a boy and she wanted a girl. But as he grew she grew ill. Our son, Nash ran away after his 16th birthday. He desperately wanted his mate. But he hated me for wanting to rule the world and told his mother of where he was staying. She promised him she wouldn't tell a soul. Shortly after he left she was so ill she would have died anytime. On our way to the hospital we saw a basket on the side of the road. It held a baby girl and a letter saying that the parents couldn't feed it. My wife made me keep her and name the baby her middle name: Sheylyn. So I kept my promise after she died and I grew cold from the inside and out. I now hate everyone and everything.
So here we are now at the present time. By the way my real name is Mark Grier"

I just gaped at him. I was adopted? My mate is the devils son? Yes his new name to me is not Mark but the devil.

He turned and left me in my thoughts mixed in with the dark room.

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